Anna Von Reitz — Committee of 300 v. 7,000,000,000 Victims | – December, 2018

Monday, December 17, 2018

Committee of 300 v. 7,000,000,000 Victims

Source: Paul Stramer | By Anna Von Reitz

I just received Notice from the Committee of 300 that Queen Elizabeth II will be stepping down as leader of this group of psychopaths in favor of “someone” younger — yet to be announced.

Join me in recognizing the fact that the “Committee of 300” and the interests that these “Thirteen Bloodline Families” represent are all either: (a) criminal enterprises or (b) criminally connected enterprises, that need to be liquidated and the assets and profits returned to the victims.

They are blaming the Hapsburgs for their sins –who are really the least of the problem, but then, that is typical of liars and thieves and pirates. They seek to deflect attention and blame from the more active and virulent members of their criminal enterprise, while those who drag their feet and “cause problems” are singled out to take the blame.

Rotten to the core and to the end, because whether they realize it or not, this is the end. The Apocalypse. The time when the Sword of Truth is unleashed.

And it’s already over, except for the shouting.


Monday, December 17, 2018

Source: Paul Stramer | By Anna Von Reitz will debut later this week with the exhaustive and irrefutable evidence that this was a satellite and GWEN tower-based electromagnetic weaponry attack on Paradise, California. Watch for it.

The apparent motive was the town’s name, “Paradise”, which of course, the Hell fans among us despise, and the town’s location — in the way of a planned NWO rail corridor.

We have THEM in our sites. And I am not talking about a photojournalist opportunity. It’s time to send THEM where they apparently want to go — straight to Hell with a one-way ticket.

What they tried to do here in Alaska and what they got away with in California is genocide. They all need to be rounded up, tried, and either shot or hung by the neck until dead, as the murderous criminals and armed insurrectionists and commercial mercenaries that they are.

It’s sad but it’s true that disaffected former US military contractors did this and used equipment that was purchased using the credit of the victims. They were trying to blackmail Trump into giving them a new contract.

You know what we said to that? “Don’t pass go, don’t collect $200, go directly to jail.”

Start the ball rolling, folks. Especially all formerly brain-dead Californians. Jerry Brown left you all open to this kind of assault.


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Credit: Operation Disclosure