Q and Trump Team Defeat Deep State from Inside Out 1/3 — The Final Wakeup Call | Aug 12, 2020

Sleeping masses delay the Q-Plan

Deep State’s satanic control is long-term conspiracy

Only our Mass Awakening Liberates Planet Earth

Q and Trump Team streamed on Soundcloud


Source: The Final Wakeup Call – Aug 12, 2020

How this all started

An all powerful group called ‘Q’ was founded in 2012. The name Q was chosen so no one would ever know their true identity, unless they would reveal themselves to the world. This alliance wanted to operate as an all-powerful, all-knowing, but anonymous group, working in secret without fear of retaliation by the Deep State.

They selected Donald Trump as their best candidate for the next President after Obama’s second term. Trump was not told anything about the Q-team itself, nor was he told that the go-between was a member of the Q-group. Trump was only told that a small secret group of rich and powerful people would secretly cooperate with him. He was told that he even had to spend his own money on his own election campaign.

Continue Reading & Q and Trump Team streamed on Soundcloud (17:07) via — The Final Wakeup Call – English

Nederlands: Q en Trump-team verslaan Deep State van binnenuit 1/3

De slapende massa vertraagt het Q-plan De DS-satanische controle is lange termijn samenzwering Alleen onze Massale Ontwaking bevrijdt planeet Aarde Q en Trump Team gepresenteerd op Soundcloud   Hoe het allemaal begon Een invloedrijke groep genaamd ‘Q’ werd in 2012…Continue Reading →

Deutsch: Das Q und Trump-Team besiegt Deep State von innen Aus1/3

Die Schlafende Masse verzögert den Q-Plan Die satanische DS-Kontrolle ist eine langfristige Verschwörung Nur unser Massenerwachen befreit den Planeten Erde Q und Trump Team auf Soundcloud vorgestellt Wie alles begann Eine einflussreiche Gruppe namens “Q” wurde in 2012 gegründet. Der…Continue Reading →

Q and Trump Team are the Liberators — The Final Wakeup Call – June 10, 2020

Society’s foundation will be shaken

An all-powerful, all-knowing, but anonymous group “Q”

Trump Team navigate on given instructions

Be Convinced; President Trump is not a tool of the Deep State

Deep State’s satanic control is the result organised long-term conspiracy

QFS on Soundcloud explained

Final Wakeup Call | June 10, 2020







People live in an Illusion

The roots of today’s problems, clearly show that history has not been a random series of events, but rather a carefully planned ‘design’ of land, wealth, resource grabbing, and the seizure of our freedom through Corona-quarantine, accomplished by a small number of wealthy and privileged individuals bent on world domination. This has been undertaken on such a massive scale that it seems almost incomprehensible, but as the old saying goes, “The best kept secrets are the ones hidden in plain sight.”

All what is seen is manipulated illusion all over the world. Global finance, including banking, stock markets, currencies, or whatever is simply a confidence trick. When people are confident they buy and invest and the economy expands, when they lose confidence, they don’t buy and invest and the economy contracts. All it needs is a gloomy forecast from a cabal-controlled financial spokesman, or a rumour circulating about economic problems, and the house of cards can come down overnight. The Deep State cabal are experts in this. Continue Reading →

& Quantum Financial System(QFS) on Soundcloud explained (15:49) via — The Final Wakeup Call

Nederlands: Q en Trump Team zijn de bevrijders

Het fundament van de samenleving is bezweken De almachtig, alwetend, maar anonieme groep “Q” Trump Team navigeert op gegeven instructies Wees overtuigd; President Trump is geen instrument van de Deep State De Deep State satanische controle is het resultaat van…Continue Reading →

Deutsch: Q und Trump Team sind die Befreier

Das Fundament der Gesellschaft ist zusammengebrochen Die allmächtige, allwissende, aber anonyme Gruppe “Q” Trump Team navigiert nach vorgegebenen Anweisungen Seid Überzeugt; Präsident Trump ist kein Instrument des Deep State Deep State Satanistin Control ist das Ergebnis langjähriger Verschwörung QFS auf…Continue Reading →

The Deep State Octopus — The Final Wakeup Call – April 15, 2020

The reason why Switzerland is the Deep State’s Head Quarters

The 13 Archon Bloodline Families that run Planet Earth

The Greatest Fraud in Human History

The Final Wakeup Call

April 15, 2020

The Deep State Octopus: The Greatest Fraud in Human History

Global Power structure

The Deep State cabal with their cronies are the top 1 percent of all people who own more than half of the world’s wealth. They are an extremely powerful network of people that controls nearly everything around us. People won’t read about it in the mainstream media because they are also controlled by these very same people. Politicians won’t talk about it publicly as they too are complicit. That would be like a mobster discussing murder and robbery on the TV-news. Many people maintain that the Deep State is hidden, however it is hidden in plain sight. For those willing to wake up and take notice, it is unconcealed and for all to be seen. Continue Reading →

via The Deep State Octopus — The Final Wakeup Call – English

Nederlands: De Deep State Octopus

De reden waarom Zwitserland het hoofdkwartier is van de Deep State 13 Archon Bloodline-families runnen planeet Aarde De grootste fraude in de humane geschiedenis   De Wereld Machtsstructuur De Deep State-cabal met hun trawanten zijn de top 1 procent van…Continue Reading →

Deutsch: Der Deep State Oktopus

Der Grund, warum die Schweiz das Hauptquartier des Deep State ist 13 Archon Blut Linie-Familien kontrollieren den Planeten Erde Der größte Betrug in der Geschichte der Menschheit     Die Weltmachtstruktur Die Deep State Cabal mit ihren Kumpanen sind die…Continue Reading →