“Gag order” given to doctor over his advice to help improve immunity | NaturalHealth365 – June 5, 2020


(NaturalHealth365) Wear a mask. Get a COVID-19 vaccine. Spray down your entire house with powerful disinfectants. Assume everyone you meet in public is infected with SARS-CoV-2.  It seems like our natural immunity to dis-ease is no match against this current pandemic.

These tips to slow the spread from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) aren’t necessarily “intended” to inspire fear and paranoia, but it’s not hard to see how this is exactly what’s happening as a result. →

So, one doctor tried to offer an “alternative” and got in trouble for it. →

Read more via NaturalHealth365

Spain “Authorizes” Military Planes To Spray Disinfectants Over Cities — Activist Post – April 18, 2020

By Tyler Durden

The Spanish government has just “authorized” the military to prepare planes for aerial spraying of disinfectants across major metro areas as confirmed COVID-19 cases and deaths continue to rise, reported La Razón News.

The order was first published in the Boletín Oficial del Estado, the country’s official gazette, on Friday, that “authorizes the NBQ (Nuclear, Biological and Chemical) units of the Armed Forces and the UME to use biocides authorized by the Ministry of Health in disinfection efforts to deal with the health crisis caused by the coronavirus.”

Read more & videos via Spain “Authorizes” Military Planes To Spray Disinfectants Over Cities — Activist Post