Rampant Child Porn Sharing Discovered On Pentagon Computers – Hundreds of Employees Implicated — Collective Evolution – July 5, 2019

(Collective-Evolution) Child pornography as well as the trafficking of women and children are some of the biggest issues in politics today. These types of things have been happening for a very long time and seem to be continuing due to the fact that those involved hold tremendous amounts of power. One of the latest examples would be the NXIVM case, where Claire Bronfman and her sister were implicated in a company whose leader was charged with child pornography, raping a child, and sex trafficking. The Bronfman family is a powerful family that has ties to politics, is in business with the Rothschilds, and has many ties within the entertainment industry. NXIVM and Bronfman were also accused of illegally donating to Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

Read more & video: “Anneke Lucas Describes How She Was Trained For Child Sex Slavery – (CETV)” (3:30) via Rampant Child Porn Sharing Discovered On Pentagon Computers – Hundreds of Employees Implicated — Collective Evolution