The Final Wakeup Call: The Food Fraud by Peter B. Meyer

Additives Generate ADHD to treat Symptoms with Ritalin and Prozac

GMO is Control over future life on planet Earth

Which food is safe to be consumed?

The Final Wakeup Call | by Peter B. Meyer – September 8, 2021

Our daily food isn’t good

There are numerous studies available justifying critical questions about our food industry, and as many of us know, there are corporations that are willing to do anything, including lying, if it means that their products will continue to generate large profits.

There are fast food outlets around every corner, vending machines in every office, and busy people take pre cooked food at home as the norm. Easy access to a lazy lifestyle is creating unhealthy habits for many of us, including our children.

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Nederlands: De Voedselfraude

Additieven wekken ADHD op voor behandeling met Ritalin en Prozac GMO is controle over toekomstig leven op planeet Aarde Welk voedsel is veilig te consumeren?   Ons dagelijks voedsel is niet goed Er zijn talloze studies beschikbaar die kritische vragen…Continue Reading

Deutsch: Der Lebensmittelbetrug

Zusatzstoffe induzieren ADHS zur Behandlung mit Ritalin und Prozac GMO ist die Kontrolle über das zukünftige Leben auf dem Planeten Erde Welche Lebensmittel sind für den Verzehr geeignet?   Unser tägliches Essen ist nicht gut Es gibt unzählige Studien, die…Continue Reading

Italiano: La frode alimentare

Gli additivi generano ADHD per trattare i sintomi con Ritalin e Prozac Gli OGM sono il controllo della vita futura sul pianeta Terra Quale cibo è sicuro da consumare?   Il nostro cibo quotidiano non è buono Ci sono numerosi…Continue Reading