Archangel Michael, Raphael, and the Council of Angels: Planet Earth is on the Brink of Great Evolutionary and Transformational Change — Era of Light – March 5, 2019

Greetings, we are The Council of Angels, including Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Chamuel, Archangel Gabriel, and Archangel Zadkiel. Your planet is poised to fly off the cliff, so to speak, away from destruction and towards the creation of great heights of evolutionary and transformational change. The high frequency energy embracing your planet now is creating a cascade of transformation from dark to light energy.

Read more: Archangel Michael, Raphael, and the Council of Angels: Planet Earth is on the Brink of Great Evolutionary and Transformational Change — Era of Light

Connecting to Higher Dimensional Beings ∞The 9D Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton – February 15, 2019


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been excited for quite some time to explore with all of you the extent to which you will go to connect with higher frequency beings like ourselves. Now, we want you to understand that we are not talking about trying here, and we certainly are not talking about struggling. We are talking about a dedicated practice for reaching higher dimensional beings such as ourselves.

We are advocating a consistent practice, and we are also advocating that you feel the higher frequency energies that we offer and that the other beings in the higher dimensions offer. We would love to see every single human being accept and receive the love and the support that is coming to you from the higher realms, and we know that it is possible. We also know that in your attempts to reach out, you sometimes feel even more alone.

You sometimes feel that your words are falling on deaf ears, and you sometimes feel as though you are simply unable to make a connection with a higher dimensional being or collective. So we invite you to simply acknowledge that we are there and feel appreciation for what we are sending you. Even if you cannot feel it, even if you do not see any evidence that we are in fact sending you transmissions of light and love and higher frequency energies. We know that you know that some of your fellow humans are feeling it, seeing it, and having all sorts of experiences.

So even if you are not having those experiences, you need to look at the positive side of things. You need to tell yourselves that if someone else can have that experience, then so can I. And you also need to trust in the divine timing. But again, a dedication to a daily practice that is designed to connect you to the higher realms is what we are recommending, and it is the way to achieve the results you want, from our perspective.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


The Pleiadian Collective: You Are Being Upgraded — Era of Light – February 12, 2019

Greetings friends, we are the Pleiadian Collective. We see Gaia in her many forms of beauty, currently in the midst of great change. We wish to welcome and send a special greeting to our many groundedones, our precious ground team, that have been holding the light so steadfastly, so faithfully. Your work has not gone unnoticed. In fact, we cheer you on daily as you hold the light, the love frequencies amidst the tornadoes of emotions. Read more

via The Pleiadian Collective: You Are Being Upgraded — Era of Light

Archangel Raphael: A Greater Purpose to Requesting Healing — Era of Light – January 25, 2019

Greetings, I am Archangel Raphael, I come forth to you with my Angelic Healing Team to share wisdom and high vibrational healing transmissions. I wish to encourage you to ask for healing from me, Archangel Raphael, my Angelic Healing Team and in truth any guide you resonate with upon the inner planes. Asking and requesting healing for yourself is now essentially important, as healing is not only a transference of energy or a physical aid, it develops your connection with the Creator allows you to support the lives of others. As you ask for healing, whether out loud or in your mind, you are creating a pillar of light that flows from the inner planes into and through your being. The more light you anchor into your being the easier it will be for you to manifest and experience the qualities of the Creator within you. Through requesting healing, you merge yourself with the Creator and experience the power of oneness with the Creator as you go about your everyday life. Below are some examples to assist you in anchoring a healing for yourself: Read more

via Archangel Raphael: A Greater Purpose to Requesting Healing — Era of Light

(Video) As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland: The Galactic Red Pill — November 25, 2018

Premiered 14 hours ago

As You Wish Talk Radio 8pm PST Saturdays. 
This Week: (The Galactic RED PILL)

Operation Disclosure

Mike Quinsey – Channeling his Higher Self – 2 November 2018


Everyone loves to look into the likely future, and in 2013 a message “The Event” from Lord Sananda through Elizabeth Trutwin gave a detailed view of it. There is an increase in vibrations that is taking place now and leads to The Event and Ascension. The information given is more relevant now and it describes in much detail the various changes we can expect.

The Event

About 2000 years ago Sananda Kumara was incarnate on Earth as Jesus with the Master plan to put in place, and to Ascend Earth. The plan failed then as Caesar of Rome created Maritime Law making slavery the Law of the Land. A new plan had to be made because the dark Cabal had taken the grand experiment beyond anyone’s intentions. About 500 years ago the Rothchilds in England hid the fact that Sir Francis Bacon was St. Germain incarnate on Earth. They had dark dealings with money and crimes which denied Sir Francis Bacon the throne. He would have been next in line as King of England, and from that position able to make changes to heal the Planet and end Duality, and he promised to return. In recent years the dark Cabal continued to wage worldwide war for their benefit. They attempted multiple times to create World War Three and have failed, mass starvation, nuclear threats, land grabs, insider trading, mass psychological attacks like 9/11 and banks too big to fail, have led to a moment when the Galactic’s could intervene, because the one caveat in the Prime Directive has been violated beyond what is allowed.

What is new is that the Archangels led by Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron initiated a Super Portal on 11.11.13. it was a special dispensation which would have allowed for the requirements to be met to bring on The Event. Earth is a Trinary Star System with Sirius A, Sirius B and Sol our Sun. Jupiter will be the next Sun in this Solar System. Earth is in the Photon Belt and moving into the Pleiades through the Central Sun, Alcyone. The super portal has opened near Jupiter and is a portal that operates like a wormhole and opens into the Light Matter Universe of On. This Multidimensional Portal allows in Super Charged Magnetic Light from On to enter into this Solar System and to Earth. Earth has raised an entire Octave just since the Equinox in September 2013, and Ashtar recently spoke about the ten Octaves between each dimension in another message. This new energy will make it possible for Earth to enter Zero Point.

What is new about this portal is that a decision was made by the Council of Gods that Earth required this special dispensation, as the best way to bring in changes. It carries with it a heavy reality. All is being done to allow as many souls as possible to go on to the new Earth. Since Earth is a planet with freewill some have refused to make the necessary changes to remain on Earth beyond Earth’s Ascension into the Higher Realms. More souls will be leaving than was anticipated. The Super Portal is pouring in Higher Vibrational energies which act to buoy Earth into the Higher Dimensions. In these all living on Earth are able to access their Etheric Bodies and travel in their Merkaba Bodies, and truly live multidimensional lives. In this High Energy the Light Cities will be accessible. Those not moving onto the New Earth will experience it as a vibration they cannot sustain within their 3D body. These darker, denser energies will remain on 3D Earth and continue there. Their physical body will be projected onto 3D Earth and they will continue to deny the Higher Teachings, and in their perception nothing will have changed and those timelines will continue for now in duality.

Meantime 5D Earth will be raised by Cosmic Builders as a Space Ship rises away from its take off point and flies out of its atmosphere into deep space. Each of the planets are firmly anchored in place by their energy grids, in orbit and relation to the planets around them. This super portal will have the effect of Earth moving higher in the dimensions in the same way we move a bead up a string. It will drop the old timelines and become lighter. It will exist higher in the Cosmic Grid, it will bubble up. Divine Timing for The Event is one of the requirements and Ashtar always says, No Dates, No Nukes, No Flukes. The truth is that there are windows of opportunity, which come up only a couple of times per year in which The Event can take place. If you have not been successful in raising your vibrations to the minimum needed to sustain love, you are invited to remain in duality awhile longer and rejoin higher dimensional Earth when you have prepared accordingly – there are no shortcuts. Nothing can stop Earth from ascending.

The Event is Disclosure, announcements and the enactment of NESARA Law. Seven to ten days after Disclosure there will be landings of Extraterrestrial Ships on Earth. It is the establishment of Divine Government on Earth – it brings in the Golden Age, and the announcement and enactment of NESARA Law as a simulcast on live computer streaming, television and radio around the World. It will be controlled by Ashtar’s technologies and cannot be duplicated any other way. When the broadcast goes out it will be heard in local areas translated to the language of that region, and heard by all on Earth, and Ships will de-cloak and appear over multiple major cities at the same time. No one on Earth has the ability to fake The Event, and when it happens everybody will be very clear that it is happening in the real. There will be such a great outpouring of love from the Galactic Family that every soul on Earth will experience it as pure bliss, and at this time Ashtar will initiate ZeroPoint.


There are various changes taking place within the Human Race, and they are becoming noticeable such as the taller Humans, and those of young age who have an almost entirely new outlook enabling them to deal with Earth’s problems. They are very spiritually aware and are more than ready to give of their knowledge to aid us. They have a different way of looking at life and find it easy to advance our understanding with ideas that are often futuristic. They came into life with full awareness and are eager to help us overcome the obstacles that stand in our way. Some have already been called the Indigo children and have shared with us their ability to solve problem much quicker than normally. They can grasp the answers very easily and are here to help us as much as possible.

I leave you with love and blessings, and may the Light brighten your days and path to completion. It is certainly needed in the middle of so much confusion and uncertainty. This message comes through my Higher Self.

In Love and Light.

Mike Quinsey.

Website: Tree of the Golden Light

Galactic Channelings

The Mothers via Galaxygirl, October 13th, 2018

The Mothers 10/13/2018

It is I, your Mother Sekmet. All eyes are currently on your little Earth, this beautiful blue glowing sphere being inundated with the Christed light frequency from many of you light seeds and from the womb of the Great Mother of All Things, who waits not much longer. This one has noticed the restlessness of the canine kingdom this week. Perhaps you also have noticed inner stirrings of discontent and inner knowing that things were not supposed to be this way. For many of you light workers, star seeds, have past lives and memories of how grand civilizations in ascended societies work, and you are remembering this and feeling this discontent rise up within and your inner knowing can no longer be stifled. It is time to rise up humanity, star seed in human form, and claim your power. You are royal. You are mighty. You have forgotten. And now you remember. You must remember and heed the clarion call to oneness, to greatness. For when humanity strives together and unifies nothing is impossible. We see this. Galactics see this, which is why Ascension Earth is the most watched movie currently in the galaxy. “How will they do it? Will they rise up together and vanquish the dark?” is the question. You have. You are. You will. You are becoming the great heroes of your own story and this amuses me when you feel that you cannot do it. For you already are. You are strong enough.

I AM your Mother Sekmet. Through the eons and riverstreams of time, great societies have risen and fallen. Great sectors of the galaxy quadrants have been lost and reclaimed for the light. Such is the ultimate passion play of Source and the interplay of love and light through out the cosmos of eternal no-time are too vast for the comprehension of this one, or any of you within this now. For that is how it was supposed to be. You chose limited forms to once again someday recall your greatness. And friends, that someday is now. Now! Can you hear my roar of awakening? It is time to arise, to claim your power. Now is the time of your greatness! Now is the time of your awakening. Awaken! And arise as the gods and goddesses that you are, were and have always been destined to be. I AM your Mother Sekmet.

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The Harmonic Convergence of 1987 and Now 2018 — Era of Light – October 14, 2018

The harmonic convergence happened in August 1987 it was an event that closely coincided with an exceptional alignment of planets in the solar system. This is the QUOTE from THE EDGE at that time. ‘The event, in and of itself, had some historical significance in that it was massive, and only the second time such……Read more

via The Harmonic Convergence of 1987 and Now 2018 — Era of Light

Peggy Black and the Team: Weaving Your Reality – September 22, 2018

Weaving Your Reality

Peggy Black and the ‘team,” Sept. 22, 2018

We are here offering insights and support as you move more fully into the higher dimensions. You truly are in the process of shifting and increasing your vibrations. You are actually straddling two realities most of the time. You are more focused on your third dimension because it demands your attention. However, you continue to sense or feel something is different.

That something different is the awareness that the Universe is communicating with you.

You are aware of moments that cause you to pause, and marvel at this unfolding mystery. You are stepping out of your restricted mindset and programmed responses frequently, to realize the incredible truth that you are connected to a powerful conscious energy field.

This energy field, this quantum field, this Universal consciousness is responding to you and the vibrations you offer. You interface with this field at all times. It is the water that you swim in, so to speak. Most individuals are totally unaware of this energy or their relationship to it.

We are inviting you to begin a conscious conversation. Begin to observe what you are thinking, speaking and emotionally offering; these actions are your vibrational interaction with this field.

You and all beings are truly divine creators. Remember, this quantum field matches the most consistent or dominant vibrations offered. Most individuals use their creative ability upside down and backwards. They energize and focus on what they don’t have, what they don’t like, what is not working and get more of the same or a similar vibration. What you resist or push against will persist. This is true in your personal as well as global experiences.

So we are inviting you to change the conversation, change the vibrations you are offering. This is important and especially true as your begin to be aware that you are interfacing with a higher dimension of consciousness. Your vibrations, your intentions and emotional offerings will manifest more quickly as you move into the fifth dimension. This is part of the ascension process you are experiencing. You are being invited to refine the energies you are offering.

The Universe is responding to you. It is giving you signs. Begin to notice. These messages, this guidance comes in many forms, in conversations with others, on a broadcast, something you read or overhear, an inspiring idea or solution to a problem, an epiphany or a synchronicity. It might come as a thought, a feeling that feels just right, an inner knowing or instinct, people showing up at just the right moment. We invite you to begin to notice these signs along the way.

The more you notice and acknowledge these messages the more they will become obvious.

Once you begin your partnership with the energy field, once you honor the possibilities that will unfold in this relationship, you will begin to see patterns unfolding, doors opening, problems resolving. You will discover that the Universe, the quantum field will arrange itself to match your vibrations as well as present you with endless opportunities.

The key is the vibrations that you are offering. So make it a practice to increase the coherent uplifting energy vibration and frequency that you offer. Practice feeling appreciation, practice being grateful. These emotional vibrations are the easiest and begin to allow you to integrate and interface with the field in a more powerful positive manner.

We realize there are times in which the idea of being grateful or in appreciation might be the most difficult emotions to call forth. If you are suffering in some way, mentally, physically, emotionally or spiritually or in a situation that feels difficult regarding your health or your finances or having problems with family or co-workers, it might feel impossible to be grateful or thankful, it might feel fake or false.

Let us assure you, this is the most important time to begin to engage or call forth even the tiniest shift into gratitude. Find something no matter how small or insignificant for which you can be thankful; continue to observe the situation looking for a reason to be grateful. It might be a stretch, you might find it difficult, however your simple willingness to look or discover a place where you could offer gratitude or appreciation will shift your vibration and your frequency.

When you make this shift the Universe is ready to mirror the slightest change in what you are offering. So pay attention, watch for signs that show this shift in your reality.

We know you will become skilled at raising your vibrations. There are many techniques and practices that can support and assist you. Meditation, being in nature, being with beloved friends or pets, laughter, dance and movement, doing something that you enjoy, all of these actions shift the frequency you are offering to the field.

Now, when you couple that with your words, actions and intentions, you are a powerful creative force. You are powerful beyond measure. Remember you are a magnificent divine being who is playing in this hologame. You are moving consciously from the limited third dimension to the fifth unlimited dimension.

Remember that synchronicities are happening all the time. You just need to trust yourself and the universe, notice and allow for this ongoing conversation. With your energetic thoughts, emotions and intent you become a co-creator with the Universe. Imagine for a moment as you are weaving your reality that the universe is providing the thread.

Your high frequency vibrations of love, joy, gratitude and appreciation will align you with all possibilities. These vibrations invite the best results to any situation; you are connecting to an energetic web of support where things and events unfold with grace and ease.

Also you are energetically stepping out of the limited third dimension and walking into a new energetic reality where your heart’s desire and intentions for life sustaining realities become real.

You are here to anchor this awareness and this consciousness. You are here to transform any and all misqualified or negative emotions, thoughts, patterns or programs. You are here to assist humanity in moving into the fifth dimension where you know that you are truly connected to all.

We continue to empower you and remind you of your true magnificence. We invite you to practice extending more coherent vibrations of love, forgiveness, compassion, joy, gratitude and appreciation. We remind you to transform any discordant, misqualified or negative energies as the true multidimensional alchemist that you are. the ‘team’

©2018 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address.

Adama of Telos: Old Paradigms Dissolving — Era of Light – September 3, 2018

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos. Dear Ones, as old paradigms are leaving your experience notice how, at times, you might hold on to them in your thoughts and emotions. In order for the higher dimensional reality to come….Read more

via Adama of Telos: Old Paradigms Dissolving — Era of Light