Suzy Ward – Channeling Matthew Ward – April 2, 2021

Suzy Ward

Galactic Channelings

Vaccines, other covid-related issues; energy; lightworkers

With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. Of most concern to many of you is covid vaccines, so let us begin by addressing your questions and comments about them. Vaccines cannot separate you from Source or prevent personal ascension, the evolvement in conscious and spiritual awareness that continues until the immortal soul returns to its Beginnings within the pure love essence of Creator Source.

Read more:

Matthew Ward: Beginnings — Era of Light – May 16, 2019

matthew ward channeling at eraoflightdotcom





With loving greeting from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. The heightening vibrations are stirring millions to think more deeply than usual, “outside the box” you could say, and this new experience is puzzling. They also are hearing about high Schumann Resonance Hz registration, light waves, solar flares, frequencies, melting icebergs, mini-ice age, polar shift—what do those portend for life on Earth?

You, dear lightworkers, volunteered to be where you are so you can tell new soul searchers what is happening and why. Perhaps begin by assuring them there will be no mini-ice age, the planet’s axis has been slowly righting itself for the past eight decades, and solar and other astral activity is part of creating a better world. A logical question could be: Where did you hear that?

Read more via Matthew Ward: Beginnings — Era of Light