50 Signs of Quantum Upgrades – July 23, 2018

This is a blog post from early this year that our friend DT the ET offered as a juicy reminder on his own blog, and it resonates beautifully for this week as well. 

Several of these are already a given for happily a great many of us.  There are some, though that we may read and feel relief that there’s good reason for whatever confusing thing has presented itself in our journey. 

Now, whenever I feel a mysterious and potentially troubling physical manifestation, I put my attention on it and speak out loud my intention that it be in the name of the light and for the highest good of all concerned to accept whatever upgrade, activation or adjustment is needed.

50 Signs of Quantum Upgrades

By Morag, January 10, 2018, awakening5dhealing.com


The Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse Lightwave is well underway.

Expect fluctuations in the fabric of our reality as we pass through an intense electro-magnetic portal of Light. This lightwave brings us to a cosmic crossroads of timelines.

There are no clear predictions or pathways anymore. Everyone’s timelines are in constant transition. High voltage vibrations are recalibrating our mind, body and souls. We are leaving the third dimension.

Low density karma is being cleared at an exponential rate. Accelerated by cosmic light waves activating our DNA, bringing us online energetically with fifth dimension frequencies. Enough people have woken up, changed lifestyles, habits, thought and behaviour patterns, embracing expansion of consciousness. A tipping point has been realised.

What does all this look like? Feel like? How are others experiencing this recalibration of our mindbodysoul beings?

The list below is in no particular order. It is a snapshot of the evolution of a people and their planet to higher dimensions. An attempt to clarify the logistics of an evolutionary quantum leap in time and space. A complex and cosmic process boiled down to the individual, the macro to micro.

Do you identify with any of these signs and symptoms? If so, welcome, friends to the fifth dimension.

Read more at: Golden Age of Gaia

Practice, Practice – July 20, 2018


As you receive your upgrades, a bit of your ‘old self’ may come out as a means of self-protection. One of the things you need to remember is that everyone is experiencing their own version of this and will respond in different ways. Again, practicing your new skills may be necessary.

Instead of ‘popping off at the mouth’, take a moment to think about how you want to act/react then ask yourself, ‘Is what I am about to do/say going to serve anyone but me?” If the answer is no, then it is your signal to choose another path. (Smiling)

As ever-expanding beings of light practicing compassion and kindness, this is your chance for more growth and learning. Do not let it pass you by, dear one. ~ Creator


Share Your Gifts ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton – July 3, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have the pleasure of watching over you as you discover the gifts that you have and the gifts that you share with the rest of humanity. It is so important that you share your gifts because when you do, you grant yourselves more access to those gifts. You allow more energy to flow through you when you give the energy that you access somewhere to go.

Your gifts are blossoming now because the energies that you receive are holding such a high frequency. You couldn’t possibly hold them back at this point. The experience of your gifts coming to you can be challenging at times because you don’t know whether what you are seeing is the result of something going wrong with your physical body or whether it’s because you are accessing more of your clairvoyance.

Sometimes the downloads and upgrades that you receive cause discomfort and even pain in your physical bodies. These are ascension symptoms, and the best thing you can do when you are needing to slow down and give your body a chance to rest and recuperate is to listen to what is going on in your physical body and give it the rest that it needs.

Awakening these gifts means that you are accessing past life versions of yourself as well, and that can mean other experiences, some of which are pleasant and some of which are not so pleasant. So as you access your gift of channeling or your psychic gifts, you may also access the trauma that you experienced when some authority figure, some member of a ruling class decided that he or she didn’t like what you were seeing or what you were saying.

You have all been traumatized one way or another as a result of having gifts that others did not. So at times you are going to have to deal with that as well. You are also going to have to deal with being different, from looking different, from sounding different. But the more of you who step up and share your gifts, the more of you there are, and the more of you there are, the less weird it seems when someone comes along and starts speaking a light language or when someone is seeing things or hearing things that no one else is.

It’s time to embrace those gifts and embrace the fact that those of you who are awakened are on the leading edge. You are on that track to ascend ahead of the rest of the collective, and it’s time to stand tall and proud and share your gifts with the world.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Source: Daniel Scranton

How Much You Can Receive ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton – June 13, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are giving you precisely what you are ready for, and we are noticing that every day that readiness becomes more inclusive. You are stepping up your level of receptivity. You are able to handle more high frequency energy and information, and that is due in large part to your willingness to connect with each other, with your planet, and with your sun.

You are so powerful as individuals, but in coming together with all of the support that you have on the physical plane, you demonstrate to us how wonderfully well you are expanding in your ability to receive. There is so much waiting for all of you, so much you have yet to receive, assimilate, and experience, but we are certain that you will continue to open yourselves up to the more that is coming.

Now, in your conscious decision to connect with one another, with your planet, and with the sun, you are telling the entire universe how important connection is to you. When one of you is in need, there is always someone there on the physical plane for you, ready to help, ready to be of service. And when you feel that you are alone on this journey, you can always reach down to the Earth’s core, you can always reach up to the beautiful rays that the sun projects upon you.

You can let go of any fears that you have around your sun. The sun is there to support you, and you are capable of receiving more in large part because of the upgrades that you have received from the sun. Your Earth is stable. When you feel unstable, ungrounded, or unsupported in your life, reach down into the Earth and feel for that stability. When you feel that you are ready for that next step in your evolution, reach up to the sun for an upgrade.

And when you that you have no support amongst your human brothers and sisters, reach out and feel for it, and don’t be afraid to ask for it. There are more humans on the planet right now who want to be of service than ever before. You are ready now to receive more, and those like us in the higher realms are more than ready to give you the energy, the information, the love, and the light that you’ve been seeking.

Open yourselves up to receive it.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Source: Daniel Scranton

Amplifying Our Transmissions ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton – May 24, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been delivering transmissions to you on a very consistent basis, and those transmissions have been increasing gradually with intensity. We see how much you can take, and then we amplify the projections of energy just a little bit to push you just a little bit further than you’ve been before. Your ability to absorb and assimilate the transmissions that we’ve been sending you is directly proportional to the amount of introspection that you do on a daily basis.

How often are you accepting your role as the creator in something you are living, and how often are you blaming others for the life that you are living? There’s a lot of information right now being spread, and that information is helping you to be informed about what’s going on behind the scenes, but it also has the potential to leave you feeling disempowered and playing the blame game.

Of course there are people in power who want to stay in power, people who have more wealth than you can even imagine, who want to maintain that status, and they are the ones pulling the strings of the puppets that you see in the media. However, you don’t have to be one of those puppets, and the more you disconnect from that idea that you are victim and that there are perpetrators that need to be defeated, and the more you go within and access your power, your sense of who you really are, the easier it is for our transmissions to get through to you.

The more you seek out the light from within you, the easier it is for you to receive light and love and all of the codes, upgrades, and downloads that we are sending you. If there was ever a time for you to let go of your resistance and relax and receive, now is that time. We want to step up our transmissions, but we have to wait for you.

We are waiting. We are continuing to love you through all of this, of course, and we are very happy to be of service any time that we can, but it is a team effort. And we need you as members of this team to step it up at times, to let go, to surrender to the world that you incarnated into so that you can awaken within and change it.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Source: Daniel Scranton

Physical Upgrades ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling – April 6, 2018

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. You have taken the steps forward on your journeys that are necessary to bring in the help that you’ve been getting. You see, help isn’t just distributed when you are in need of it. That’s what happens when the help…Read more

via Physical Upgrades ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling

Removing Your Restraints ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton – December 14, 2017

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

You are ready to receive the next set of upgrades to your consciousness. You have a limited perception of reality due to restraints that you placed upon your own consciousness as you incarnated into this physical experience. You wanted to have a particular experience of reality, and that necessitated that you have these restraints. We are working with beings throughout the galaxy to remove those restraints. We are particularly interested in what will happen when these restraints are removed. We will be observing you very carefully to see how you utilize the newfound abilities that you will uncover. Some of you are going to have more immediate experiences than others. For others of you it will take time for the abilities to manifest themselves.

You all have had different experiences in the past with these abilities that were so natural to you in other lifetimes. Some of you experienced great loss and trauma as a result of the use of one or more of your abilities, and for those of you that have had those experiences, it will take longer. You will have to move through the energy and emotion of those traumatic experiences.

For those of you who have had more pleasant experiences, it will be an easier transition. Now, many of you have caught a glimpse of what it will be like to have the restraints removed because you have vibrated yourselves into a frequency range that has allowed you to have a sneak preview. And for those of you who have had those experiences, you would snap right back into your usual vibration, and the restraints would be back on after a brief experience.

The process of uncovering these abilities and using them in a way that serves you and the rest of humanity is one that you will need help with. Ask your guides for help. Ask whatever archangels or ascended masters, or other beings you feel comfortable with for help. It is going to be quite a ride.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Source: danielscranton.com


Andromedan Upgrades & Downloads ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton – November 8, 2017


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We brought forth a tremendous amount of energy, and you have all demonstrated an ability to absorb and assimilate that energy. Now you have a new opportunity to receive from some of our galactic partners.

There are beings from the Andromedan Star System who want to help, and their energy is quite different. It is quite dissimilar to our energy and to your own, and so as you receive it you may feel that you are not in alignment. You may feel, for a time, as though you are experiencing more ascension symptoms, tiredness, and disorientation.

The good news is that with your Andromedan upgrades and downloads, you will be able to access parts of yourself that you didn’t even know existed. You will have new perspectives and a myriad of guidance coming from within you, and the entire experience is going to elevate your frequency and make you more available to other extra-terrestrial beings for contact.

You are moving beyond where we expected you to be at this point, and especially those of you who are awakened, for you are the ones leading the human collective. You are the ones taking humanity beyond where any of us in the higher realms thought you would be at this time. You can pat yourselves on the back, and you can give yourselves plenty of rest and relaxation in order to keep up with these Andromedan energies.

There is something quite jarring about receiving so much, but the growing pains are symptoms that you are releasing that which no longer serves you in the process. You are capable of opening yourselves up and receiving so much energy and information, and you are still just dipping your toes into the waters. Soon enough, however, you will feel the positive ramifications of all of this, and you will integrate all aspects of yourself, making you the beautiful whole beings that you always intended to be in this lifetime.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Source: danielscranton.com