Trump Card played as the Masses Awake | The Final Wakeup Call – July 8, 2020

Our choice will define the unfolding of our future

Taking away criminal Deep State, governments and politicians

The war against the invisible corona enemy is social suicide 

Vaccine Damage does not Produce just one Single Symptom

The final stage of the PLAN

Final Wakeup Call | July 8, 2020


People must wake up en Masse 

The world has become an insane asylum but the majority of society is too much asleep to notice the insanity about what is happening with the Coronavirus pandemic. Just as insane dreams are not questioned, some people never question their insane lives. The implications of mass sleepwalking are obvious: with billions of people asleep, those in power who are awake have the advantage, as sleeping people are easily controlled.

The Corona pandemic was not deadly for humanity, but had a deadly effect on economics: international mobility screeched to a halt, which devastated industries like tourism, travel, hotel & restaurant business, breaking down global supply chains. →

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Nederlands: Trump kaart wordt gespeeld als Massa Ontwaakt

Onze keuze gaat de ontwikkeling van onze toekomst bepalen Verwijdering van criminele Deep State-regeringen en politici De oorlog tegen de onzichtbare coronavijand is sociale zelfmoord Vaccinschade veroorzaakt niet slechts één symptoom De laatste fase van het PLAN   Mensen moeten…Continue Reading →

Deutsch: Trumpfkarte wird gespielt, wenn die Massen wach sind

Unsere Wahl wird die Entwicklung unserer Zukunft bestimmen Entfernung von kriminellen Deep State-Regierungen und -Politikern Der Krieg gegen den unsichtbaren Korona-Feind ist sozialer Selbstmord Impfschäden verursachen nicht nur ein Symptom Die letzte Phase des PLAN   Die Leute müssen massenhaft…Continue Reading →