Mounting Evidence of “Satanic” Hollywood Pedophiles (Videos) – – Aug 18, 2018

Warning: Disturbing testimony. Not recommended for people cultivating peace or joy.

Long but very insightful and balanced account. Note the allegations of child sacrifice.

Isaac Kappy says he went public because “I couldn’t take it any more. … The Paul Revere in me came out. I had to do something about this.”

David Zublick’s allegations in the video at mid-article are even more shocking than Isaac’s.

Arjun: “The point is, … we have to talk about [this] because the trafficking and abuse of women and children is happening … and they have no voice, even if they are starting to speak out more and more. The sad thing about it is, with all of the censorship on the internet, nobody is really seeing this.”

Read more & videos at: Golden Age of Gaia