Pope Francis Outed by Whistleblower as a Prime Mover of Child Trafficking – July 31, 2017


Credit: sananda.website

The Galactics and the Clean-up of Gaia – July 31, 2017

I’ve been asked what the galactics are doing to clean up the planet.

Let me ask them the question:

What are the galactics doing to clean up the planet?

SanJAsKA: We are constantly in your skies, helping to mitigate and in some cases, neutralize altogether, the pollution that is continually manifested and fed on your dearest Earth.

The cabals have quite purposely taken to harming Gaia by way of polluting Her ground, skies, waterways and atmosphere and as such, we take to stationing ourselves in dearest Gaia’s sky so that we can send out formulas and energies that help in the mitigation of the negative effects the massive pollution being fed would otherwise have.

In so many areas of your world the cabals have established refineries, mills and other things that are intended to produce commodities and foods on your Earth, but that pollute Her surface and atmosphere drastically.

We ask for the collective of humanity to begin getting as active as you possibly can in raising awareness of the massive pollution that is being fed, because as a collective you can truly get so much more accomplished than you would readily believe.

Your collective power is quite strong indeed, which is why you have been kept separated for so very long. (1)

What about radiation? Fukushima, for instance, must be an unmitigated disaster.

Read more at: Golden Age of Gaia






Daily Message ~ Sunday July 30, 2017


The most powerful way to create is through essence. When you hold the intention of the core of your creation, you open yourselves up to many more options and matches that the universe can deliver to you. Sometimes, when you get too detailed with what you wish to create, you unknowingly create constraints because there is a much better match trying to make its way to you that you are not in acceptance of.

The true joy of co-creation is allowing your team to surprise and delight you with the full potentials you simply cannot be aware of from your vantage point. So cast your net wide, Dear Ones! Dig deep to discover the core vibrational essence of what you really wish to experience, and allow that to be your intended order from the universe. You open yourselves up to so many more satisfying potentials by doing so. In fact, that is how you get to living a life beyond your wildest dreams. ~Archangel Gabriel


Sananda via James McConnell, July 24th, 2017

SANANDA I AM Sananda. And as always it is wonderful to be with you with this group with all that share in our understanding our remembering of who and what we all are. For this is the crux, everyone, this…Read more

via Sananda via James McConnell, July 24th, 2017 — Sananda

Benjamin Fulford, White Dragon Society Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis: Systems failure in the West and how to solve it – July 31, 2017

Notice to readers Due to my annual holiday the next two reports will be prewritten unless extraordinary events cause me to interrupt my holiday to cover them By now it is obvious to anyone who is actually using their brain that something is profoundly wrong with the leadership and government systems in the West. This…

via Systems failure in the West and how to solve it — Benjamin Fulford, White Dragon Society

10 Life-Changing Effects of Cosmic Awakening: Free Will, Manifestation and Universal Oneness — July 31, 2017

Keep rolling with the ebb and flow of cosmic recalibration friends. This transition to quantum is being kick started for many and really kicking in for others. Expansion of consciousness, bonding with our bodies, spiritual awakening… it’s all happening. We are surfing waves of higher frequencies as they roll through and round us, and Gaia.This is…

via 10 Life-Changing Effects of Cosmic Awakening: Free Will, Manifestation and Universal Oneness — Humans Are Free

Pineal Gland: How To Detox The Part of Your Brain That Controls Sleep, Aging And Your State of Mind — July 31, 2017

The importance of the detoxification of the pineal gland is he, even though you might not be aware of it. This little gland is located in the middle of the brain, and its function is related to our physical and mental well-being, due to which it is often called “the third eye”. Unfortunately, this gland is bombarded…

via Pineal Gland: How To Detox The Part of Your Brain That Controls Sleep, Aging And Your State of Mind — Humans Are Free

The 8:8:8 Lion’s Gate Activation — July 31, 2017

Every year on August 8th, there is a cosmic alignment called “the Lion’s Gateway”. The Lion’s Gate is when Earth aligns with the Galactic Center, (27 degrees Sagittarius) and the star Sirius, opening a cosmic portal between the physical and spiritual realms.It’s called the Lion’s Gate, or Lion’s Gateway because it occurs in the astrological sign…

via The 8:8:8 Lion’s Gate Activation — Humans Are Free

The Gnomes – One of Many Elemental Beings That Might Also Inhabit The Earth – July 31, 2017

by Arjun Walia, Collective Evolution Many ancient cultures have stories and texts which refer to ‘magical’ and ‘mythical’ lands that c0-exist alongside our reality. Whether these places are actual physical places, or places that reside in ‘another dimension,’ for lack of a better term, has been the subject of great discussion within various texts throughout the ages.…

via The Gnomes – One of Many Elemental Beings That Might Also Inhabit The Earth —

Pharmaceutical industry panics; experts admit prescription drugs don’t work for dementia and they probably never will — July 31, 2017

(Natural News) With 47 million people around the world suffering from dementia and 115 million people expected to have the illness by 2050, finding ways to prevent and treat it is a matter of urgency. When the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference was held this year, many of the experts on hand were a lot more…

via Pharmaceutical industry panics; experts admit prescription drugs don’t work for dementia and they probably never will — NaturalNews.com