When Enough is Enough – September 30, 2017



Take a moment today to meditate on this thought; triggers versus abuse.  Some will come into your life to show you what you need to change to make you a better person.  They will be there to guide you to things you have kept hidden from yourself so that you may release and grow from it.  You have often asked to learn these things and these people are a direct response to your specific request.
However, if you have cleared what you need to in the highest/best way (an extra set of eyes will help in these situations) and the ‘assaults’ continue then a line has been crossed from being a trigger to abuse.  You are responsible for you and, if you have done all you can within yourself and for the other person, then it becomes an issue for The Universe to handle.  It is not your ‘job’ to fix them.  Release the person with appreciation, gratitude, Unconditional Love and know that you have learned a very important thing about being human…knowing when to say, “Enough is enough.” ~ Creator


Daily Message ~ Saturday September 30, 2017


Dear Ones, do not be concerned if all your chores are not done because you need to rest or make self care a priority in order to release, heal, transform, or integrate energy. Trust us when say it is irrelevant to the caterpillar if his cocoon is messy or not. ~Archangel Gabriel


Building a New Earth ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton – September 30, 2017

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

This is an opportune time for you to look at everything that you value in your life, because you are on the verge of some very big changes. You want to be sure that you have your priorities in order when the changes come. It is very important for you to know what you stand for, what you believe in, and what your abilities are.

Many of you are reaching for new abilities and overlooking the abilities that you have. And when it comes to your beliefs, you are often focusing on the ones you want to change, rather than the ones that serve you.

When you are clear about what it is that makes you tick, what is important to you, and what you are hoping for in your lives, you will be able to make assessments. You will be able to determine whether your actions are in harmony or opposition to what you prioritize, what you value, what you believe in, and what you believe you are capable of.

We want you to be prepared to build from the changes that are coming, and it is important for you to know what it is you want and what it is that you have to contribute as you look to create a new world. As we have said, you are able to shift timelines more easily than ever, and with those shifts come the changes that we are talking about. And when change is upon you, it is important for you to know where your priorities lie.

It will also be very important for each of you to value yourselves. If you don’t know what your strengths are, ask someone who loves you. Oftentimes you overlook your strengths and abilities because they are so second nature to you. But we promise you, every single one of you has something important and special to offer in the creation of a new Earth.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Source; Daniel Scranton

How To Improve Your Self Love & Shift Your Relationship With Your Partner — September 30, 2017

Self love can be a difficult subject for many people to address, especially because it’s one that society frowned upon for a while. Strengthening your love for yourself was often viewed as vain, and even to this day it’s mistaken as being selfish. What we sometimes fail to recognize is that you cannot treat others with…Read more

via How To Improve Your Self Love & Shift Your Relationship With Your Partner — Collective Evolution

Amazing Presentation from Bentinho Massaro at the 2017 Eclipse of Disclosure Conference (Video) — September 30, 2017

Bentinho Massaro from Eclipse of Disclosure Conference…Video

via Amazing Presentation from Bentinho Massaro at the 2017 Eclipse of Disclosure Conference — Ready for Disclosure

Geostorm – Hollywood Introduces Weaponized Weather and Geoengineering to a Dumbed Down Public (Videos) — September 30, 2017


Buck Rogers, Staff Writer Waking Times It’s hard to tell sometimes if art is imitating life, or vice versa. Add to that the fact that we live in a world heavily manipulated by a massive deep state apparatus with unlimited funding to experiment with the weaponization of any and all technology, and you may find yourself…Read more & videos

via Geostorm – Hollywood Introduces Weaponized Weather and Geoengineering to a Dumbed Down Public — Waking Times

31,487 Scientists Say Global Warming is a Hoax — They’re Speaking Out Against Junk Science (Video) — September 30, 2017

Over 31,000 scientists have united against the political agenda of global warming. The scientific consensus, which includes over 9,000 scientists with Ph.D.s, supports the necessity of carbon dioxide and sheds light on the agenda of global warming, which includes industrial energy rationing, central economic planning, and global taxation schemes.These scientists are now speaking out against…Read more

via 31,487 Scientists Say Global Warming is a Hoax — They’re Speaking Out Against Junk Science — Humans Are Free

13 Pieces of Evidence Supporting the Hollow Earth Hypothesis – September 29, 2017

Is it possible that there is a completely unknown civilization living beneath the surface of our planet?

by EWAO; additions by Alexander Light, HumansAreFree.com

Many people believe that the Hollow Earth theory is more than just a myth, and some have even tried to prove it scientifically. Even today, in the 21st century, it’s difficult to say with certainty that it does or does not exist.

For many years it was believed that the earth was hollow, but even though many have come up with theories, until 1968 there was no proof.

That year, pictures taken by a satellite orbiting Earth clearly showed a gaping hole located at the North Pole; enough evidence to support the hollow Earth theory according to many…..

1. Is there a hole in the North Pole?

In the early 1970’s, ESSA, a project belonging to the Department of Commerce of the United States, gave media access to images of the North Pole taken by the ESSA-7 satellite on November 23, 1968

Read more at: Humans Are Free


Toxic Particles To Be Sprayed Into The Atmosphere In An MIT Geoengineering Experiment, Blocking Sunlight (Video) — September 29, 2017

If you’re concerned about our environment, geoengineering is something you need to be aware of. The sad reality is that most have no idea it’s happening, which is why it’s crucial to create more awareness on a subject about which the public has been kept completely in the dark. What is exactly is geoengineering? It’s…Read more

via Toxic Particles To Be Sprayed Into The Atmosphere In An MIT Geoengineering Experiment, Blocking Sunlight — Collective Evolution

A Time of Creation ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council via Daniel Scranton, September 29, 2017


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have awakened within you a tendency to seek more from life than what you tended to believe was possible before getting activated by our energy. This awakening has brought you to a point in your evolution where you can begin to sense that there are energies all around you waiting to become manifest in the physical.

The experience of creating with energy, using vibration, is the fifth dimensional way. Right now, you can see yourselves as being in a practice round because there is still a distance between what you create and what you experience in the physical. But you do have access to a timeline once you create something that will bring you to it, and bring it to you, in record time.

This type of creation requires tremendous faith on your part because you have no indicators that tell you how close your creation is. It is the closest thing to instant manifestation that you’re ready to experience at this point. One of the ways in which you will accelerate this process of creating will be to stay very present in the moment. As soon as you start to think in terms of time and timeframes, you remove yourself from the vibration that is required to merge with that timeline, to put yourself on the fast track.

These are exciting times, and they are times of exploration because each of you is in control of your destiny, like never before. You are activating more of your higher self within you, and your higher self is a magnificent creator. So whatever you have come to expect from reality in the past can be set aside as you enter into this new phase of your evolution. This is a time where conscious creator beings like yourselves are being summoned by the energies that want to co-create with you.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Source: Daniel Scranton