10 Signs You’re Being Watched by a Guardian Angel — April 2, 2018

One topic of interest that is common among most religions and spirituality, is the idea of angels! Regardless of what they are described as, we all have a special form of life energy positively watching over us throughout each day! Angels are a very heartwarming and comforting subject to think about. Just the idea of…Read more

via 10 Signs You’re Being Watched by a Guardian Angel — Era of Light

Good Deeds and Angels — November 13, 2017

Every time one does a Good Deed, an Angel is created. This Angel Is just a gift of LOVE for the Good Deed. The very best Good Deed one can accomplish is a Good Deed being done just because the one is there. That means an Angel brought one there just for that sharing. In…Read more

via Good Deeds and Angels —

Message from the Angels via Ann Albers, November 11th, 2017

My dear friends, we love you so very much, There is, deep within human hearts, a deep desire for unity. Deep down, you all have a desire to connect in a loving and meaningful way. At times it seems like…Read more

via Message from the Angels via Ann Albers, November 11th, 2017 — Sananda

Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 8, 2017


Magic, simply put, is experiencing energies beyond what you thought possible that surprise and delight you.

The first steps of living a more magical life is being open to the idea that the unknown can bring you much goodness and wonder, and allowing the universe free rein to show you what else is possible. It is being willing to accept energies beyond what you can see or imagine from your vantage point. It is playing in the etheric and receiving in the physical.

Magic is absolutely available to each and every one of you, in fact, your guides, helpers, and your highest self want you to move into playing in that realm of full potential.

Did you know you are magical beings in our eyes? You continue to surprise and delight us in your discoveries and expansion all the time. Allow us to match your magic, in a dance of co-creation, that is delightful for everyone to behold. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young


Daily Message ~ Monday November 6, 2017

Dear Ones, resistance is the number one cause of discomfort in your lives. Resistance is an attempt to fight the flow, to deny where your soul is trying to take you, and to choose constriction over expansion. So what do you do about it? The first thing you need to do is to identify that…Read more

via Daily Message ~ Monday November 6, 2017 —

MONDAY MESSAGE – ARCHANGEL MICHAEL 6th November, 2017 via Leslie-Anne Menzies

Dear Ones,

Buckle-up those seat belts – tight. The ride is getting very bumpy. Nothing you are not already prepared for. Not so, many others. Every day more and more darkness will be revealed.

These are the times you came for. You always KNEW what you signed up for – but you had forgotten when the veil was placed upon you. The time has now arrived. You have ALL the skills required to ride the waves like a professional.

Breathe deeply Dear Ones. No fear required here – you have trained for this adventure. You are fully prepared, fully capable of holding your “LIGHT” as the darkness is purged once and for all.

There is true excitement in the air. Your Sacred Soul knows it is time for you to shine, and shine you will.

Those who are still “asleep in the amnesia” will be rocked to their core. This is what it will take to awaken the last of the sleeping ones. You, My Beloveds are being asked to shine your Light ever so brightly now so you can become the Beacons in the darkness for those who will require it.

You have waited lifetimes for this New Earth to birth – the labour pains are well and truly progressing, contractions are quickening – birth is imminent.

Nothing can stop what is about to unfold.

YOU have requested all that is taking place. YOU are readying as the mid-wives to prepare for this New Life on your New Earth.

As the darkness unravels, many will be shocked and saddened as to what has been perpetrated on humanity and your planet.

May we remind you Dear Ones – all by agreement – this is what it takes for humanity to leave the “experiment” and return once again to ONENESS and WHOLENESS.

Hold each other tight, allow the anger to rise, and then let it go, knowing all is being released NEVER to return. EVER!!!!

You time on the old Earth is over. Only LIGHT will survive all the purging.

LIGHT will once again permeate the New Earth.

What is about to unfold for many will be just too much to believe and there will be chaos in the minds of the unawakened. This is where YOU step up into all you came to BE.

Love and true acceptance of your fellow beings is what is required now. Leave all judgement behind. Now is the time for Compassion and understanding as the old game is completed and your new life begins.

YOU will consciously create your future – something which has been unavailable until this time. Conscious Communities will be the norm. No more dishonest, greedy governments – all will be dissolved and return to the true ethos of :


When your consciousness if fully returned there will be no more greed, or better than. YOU will work together in Love and Light making decisions with an open mind and open heart.

Because money will no longer hold power, decisions will be made with greater awareness for the benefit of ALL.

Dear Ones, we remind you of the continuing mantra and new archetypes for the New Earth:




This is how your New Earth is created. Focus your intention on this mantra as YOU are creating with every thought, your New Earth.

Envision this New Earth – see all humanity living in Abundance, Peace and Well Being. That is what YOU are creating out of the chaos you are now witnessing, as it completes its cycle.

Keep the vision Dear Ones, hold hands with us as we all move into this new way of Creating this New Earth.

Smile, Dear Ones, let your radiance shine forth, you are indeed Consciously creating your New Life.

And so it is.


Source: leslieannemenzies.blogspot.com

Credit: eraoflight.com

Messages from the Angels via Ann Albers – November 4, 2017

Be Gentle with Yourself

Be gentle with yourselves. Speak to yourself with words of compassion, tenderness, and love. Be as kind to yourself as you would to a little child, for in truth that innocent child lives within you.

Gently strive to stop putting yourselves down, criticizing yourselves, or being harsh in speaking about yourself. Take time to check in during the day and ask yourself if you are meeting your own needs. Give yourself the acknowledgment, love, and adoration that you seek from others. Become your own greatest lover, for in that space you will attract love in every area of your life.

So many of you learned to be harsh with yourselves. It is not natural. Innocent children speak their minds and feel their feelings without any shame whatsoever. They share their strengths with joy, and happily admit their weak points, knowing that they are perfect exactly as they are. In fact, very young children don’t strive to be perfect. They don’t strive to be anything other than who and what they are in each moment.
Can you imagine saying, “I’m good at reading but not very good at math” – making a simple accurate statement, while knowing that neither of these change your intrinsic value and worth? Nothing, in fact, ever changes your intrinsic value and worth. Hold your head high and know that nothing less than the love that creates universes lives and abides in you and through you.

We know you’ve been hurt by others, but as you read our words, no one is hurting you in this moment. We know you’ve been treated less than lovingly by many throughout the course of your life, but that is no excuse to treat yourself with less than love. We know you’ve learned self-criticism, but you can break any habit if you remain dedicated to doing so.
Dear ones, in our eyes you are perfect light and love, simply having an experience upon your earth. You could never ever become anything less. Be kind to yourselves, for in so doing, you are honoring the Love that lives within.

Source: visionsofheaven.com


Messages from the Angels via Ann Albers – October 21, 2017

You choose the course

It is very important at this time on earth, not to run from your feelings, but rather to take a few seconds each day to tune into your own hearts and see what you find within. What is it you want in life? What do love about your life? What would you change if you could? The answers to these questions will help you understand why your life is working or not.

To the degree you accept your feelings and desires, you move in the direction of having them. To the degree you resist your own feelings, there is pain, anger, upset, sadness and depression.

If you say you want something in your life but then proceed to doubt, or avoid doing what you feel inspired and guided to do, then you are resisting the flow of life – a flow that you, yourself set in motion.

Consider this metaphor. Imagine that there are an infinite number of rivers. Each one will carry you to a different future. You decide which future you want. You are so excited! You get a sturdy raft. You set it in your river of choice and you hop in. For awhile you let go of control. All you have to do is listen to your guidance. When the river reaches a calm spot, you will be guided to either paddle or relax. When there is a fork in the river you will intuitively know which branch is the kinder one to pick.

If you decide to focus on a different future, you’ll branch off into a different river. If you relax and enjoy the journey you will be carried along the easiest, most beautiful route to your destination.

However, suppose you jump on that raft and start to doubt. “Wait a minute! How do I know this will carry me to my dreams? I’m not in control! I better get out! What am I to do? You furiously start to paddle upstream. You try to cling to the shrubs along the edges of the river. Your worry prevents you from hearing your guidance, and you choose the more challenging forks in the river. If you stay in this river, you will still reach your goal, however the journey will be much more challenging.

You do not have to beg God for help dear ones. God already wants to help you. You need not supplicate like a child asking a parent for favors. Instead pray in your power as a creator made in the image and likeness of God – not in body, but in your capacity to love and to create.

Instead of praying, “God please bring me love. Please fill my bank account,” pray powerfully – “Dear God, I am creating an incredibly loving, and abundant experience of life. Guide me. Help maintain my energy in a state consistent with my desires.”

This is a powerful prayer. When your thoughts, feelings, and energy are consistent with your desires, then your life will be a joyful journey enroute to your dreams.

Source: visionsofheaven.com


The Angels via Ann Albers, October 14th, 2017

My dear friends, we love you so very much, Your planet earth continues to grow dear ones, much in the same ways you do. She stretches her awareness into greater love. She shakes and erupts to release dense and stuck….Read more

via The Angels via Ann Albers, October 14th, 2017 — Sananda

Messages from the Angels via Ann Albers – October 7, 2017

Your earth is in a state of incredible and rapid growth. The recent eclipse acted like a magnet bringing together the polarities of light and darkness within every human being. The subsequent solar flares creates a mass influx of light that is causing incredible movement.

There is no more pushing one feeling aside while acknowledging another.You are all being forced to acknowledge all that is inside of you. You are feeling your joys and your fears, your hopefulness and your worry, your love and your rage. You are feeling the sadness you’ve pushed deep down within you, and the anger you’ve tried to gloss over with “nice.” Your corks are popping. 

Some of you look like champagne bubbling over with joy. Others look like floods of emotion. Some look like whirling vortices of chaos, while so many look like volcanoes ready to blow. It is not a wonder that your mother earth is doing the same.

So is the world coming to an end? No, dear friends, the world is growing. Humanity is purging and releasing old dense energies – sometimes in elegant, kind, expressive, and mature ways, and other times in horrible crimes against humanity, violent upheavals in weather and earth’s changes.

While this might seem frightening to some of you, the truth remains the same. Live and abide in love and you will be safe. If you are angry, look at the anger and love yourself enough to ask what it is trying to tell you about you. What do you need to change? If you are sad, how can you comfort yourself? If you are frustrated, what do you need to do to create movement in your life?

Love is available so strongly right now that the slightest loving thought taps you into streams of infinite goodness. You are being challenged to love in spite of it all, and challenged to love yourselves more than ever.

For just a moment allow us to assist you. Breathe. Imagine a lovely blue light filling your mind, heart, body, and soul. Breathe again. See this light filling your lungs, traveling throughout your bloodstream, and into every cell of your body.

Breathe again. See the light emanating from you, surrounding you, permeating you with God’s peace and protection. Imagine this light finding pockets of anger, sadness, or any other dense energy in your aura, soothing it, and gently flowing it out of you as energy.

Remain in this state, breathing in the blue light for some time until you truly feel at peace. Now imagine your beautiful blue orb, Mother earth, also surrounded and permeated with this beautiful peace, for she too is in need of comfort.

Source: visionsofheaven.com