Docent Sture Blomberg uppdaterar om riskerna med coronavaccinerna i Swebbtv Vetenskap 88

9 Mars, 2024

I detta Swebbtv Vetenskap får vi återigen möta läkaren Sture Blomberg, docent och specialist i anestesi och intensivvård. I ett tidigare program har Sture bl.a. talat om en metod för att häva sepsis (blodförgiftning) med intravenös C-vitamin.

Fallet Pontus 30 år haft Covid-19 ett år tidigare ville att han skulle vaccineras helt onödigt enligt Blomberg hade redan fullgod immunitet. I stället för det rekommenderade vaccinet från Pfizer fich han Modernas. Han var egentligen för ung för att få ta detta vaccin. Modernas vaccin hade redan då förknippats med myokardit (ärrbildning på hjärtat) i högre grad än andra m-RNA-vacciner. Pontus fick stark hjärtklappning och ringde till slut 112. Efter tvekan hos larmtjänst skickades ambulans. När den anlände hade Pontus svimmat och under ambulansfärden till sjukhus fick han hjärtstopp som behandlades under en timme. Vid ankomst förklarades han död.

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”Globalisterna förlorar” – bedrägerierna avslöjas ett efter ett |

SwebbTV Nyheter | 9 Mars, 2024

Det händer mycket i världen just nu. Det misslyckade proxykriget i Ukraina som bara gör Ryssland starkare, klimatprojekt som kapsejsar, västliga ”demokratier” som allt mer liknar diktaturer etc. Vad som då samtidigt sker, är att globalisternas olika bedrägerier avslöjas, påpekas det i Swebbtvs senaste Omvärldsanalys. Enligt Lars Bern har globalistena ”förlorat” och det vi nu ser är slutet på en 500 år lång västerländsk hegemoni.
– Och våra politiker är så jävla korkade, att de märker inte själva att de har övergett demokratin, säger han.

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Ny forskning: Ökad koldioxid leder till förgröning – inte uppvärmning |

Temabild: Kvinna i lummig skog | Foto: Leung Chopan,

Ännu ett hål har slagits i myten om hotet från koldioxid, CO2. Den marginella ökning av den naturligt förekommande gasen koldioxid har den dramatiskt och positiva effekten att motverka uttorkning och ökenspridning som orsakas av skogsverkning och utbredning av stadsmiljöer orsakar.

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Encyclopedia Galactica is a Guidebook to over 150 Spacefaring Alien Civilizations in our Galaxy |

Written by Dr Michael Salla on March 7, 2024.

In a new illustrated color book, Encyclopedia Galactica: From Andromeda to Canis Minor, Elena Danaan provides detailed drawings of over 150 spacefaring extraterrestrial civilizations in our galaxy. She describes how she began with crude black and white drawings from her 2020 book, A Gift From The Stars, and used different AI art programs to colorize these, and then applied digital artistic tools to add facial and skin features of representatives of each race. In response to questions, Danaan explains how her project can be viewed as a continuation of her former professional archeological career restoring artwork found on Egyptian temples.

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MedBeds will Keep us Young and Healthy | Final Wakeup Call

MedBeds keep us young and healthy

Source: Final Wakeup Call | By Peter B. Meyer

Please share this information with anyone who cares about their health!

After reading this article, everyone will understand how to stay young and healthy.

Make a hard copy of this and keep it close at hand for frequent reference.

Unknown makes unbeloved and foolhardy

There is ‘alien’ technology that can fix everything wrong on Earth and also keep us young and healthy.

Technologies like healing machines that have long been in use extra terrestrially, called MedBeds will keep us “young and healthy” for as long as we want, which could be about 1,000 years before a new race reaches the next level.

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Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 8, 2024 | Operation Disclosure Official

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Fri. 8 March 2024

Judy Note: I must confess that I had a hard time listening to Actor Biden’s State of the Union address tonight. Guess I’m tired of trying to figure out who’s real, who’s not, who’s alive, who’s dead and who’s faking it.

I yearn for the time when reality was really reality, when you could trust what a US President said in the State of the Union was true. When you could go to the polls and feel your vote meant something – now I’m wondering if it ever did.

I yearn for the Emergency Broadcast System’s documentaries to air so I can intelligently discuss with friends and family what’s really going on in this World.

We’re all tired, yet we have such a long way to go. It’s time we got on with it – together, united as Patriots of the World, and with God’s help, we can do this.

Where we go one, we go all!!!

  • In our recent past Nations of the World who wanted independence of Deep State IMF loans and control have been removed from power using CIA Mind Control Operatives, and replaced by CIA backed military dictatorships – and the US Taxpayer paid for it.
  • CIA backed illegal migrants were set to ignite violence across the US through assaults, riots and destruction of the nation in a Civil War – and the US Taxpayer paid for it to happen.
  • NASA preparing for ‘internet Apocalypse’ threat. Coming soon to a modem near you.
  • Thurs. 7 March: Multiple US government websites, including DHS, ICE and the Secret Service etc. are down. Testing for the EBS?
  • Evidence has surfaced that the Texas Panhandle so-called “wildfires” that destroyed a great part of the cattle industry, were actually started by Cabal Direct Energy Weapons – just as they were in Maui and other places.
  • Thurs. 7 March Haiti: Violence in Haiti has caused a Security Alert: U.S. citizens in Haiti should depart Haiti as soon as possible. Massive Prison Break in Haiti: More than 4,000 inmates, among them gang members implicated in the assassination of President Jovenel Moïse, have escaped from Haiti’s main prison. With gangs said to be controlling 80% of Port-au-Prince, there’s an increase in violence and concerns over a potential coup against the government.
  • Med Beds Coming – Quantum Healing for all.

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Judy Byington:

Operation Disclosure Official: