TRUCKERS IN CANADA WIN! | The Marshall Report

The Marshall Report | By Dianne MarshallMarch 3, 2022


With all the Russia, Russia, Russia taking place, the excitement of the truckers and people of Canada winning their health freedom back is taking a back seat! It is time to put it FRONT AND CENTER!

Read more & videos: TRUCKERS IN CANADA WIN! — The Marshall Report

Mira from the Pleiadian High Council via Valerie Donner | January 4, 2021 — Voyages of Light

Valerie Donner

Voyages of Light

A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner, January 4, 2021

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I speak to you with great news. You and the earth have made it through the gateway to the new universe, your new tomorrow. We offer you the utmost congratulations for what you have achieved. It is truly miraculous.

Read more: Mira from the Pleiadian High Council via Valerie Donner | January 4, 2021 — Voyages of Light

Official Donald J. Trump July 4th Full Moon Eclipse and How to Celebrate it | Parisse Deza — Voyages of Light – July 4, 2020

(Voyages of Light)

The Official Donald J. Trump July 4th Full Moon Eclipse And How To Celebrate It

By Parisse Deza
July 2, 2020

“Trump says he looks like the Lone Ranger in a mask – and likes it.” – world-wide headline, 7/2/20

I am dedicating this very auspicious July 4th full moon eclipse to “The Freedom Ranger,” Donald J. Trump, in recognition of his fulfilling the mission and purpose of the united States as initiated by the signing of the Declaration of Independence, interrupted by the corporate cabal, acted upon vigorously by John F. Kennedy who died for his efforts which have been resurrected by the Freedom Ranger, and which are being brought to fruition now by us all. →

Read more & video: “Gregg Braden – Quantum Healing of Tumour thru the Power of Thought & Feeling” (9:30) via — Voyages of Light

Deep and lasting changes are occurring everywhere | Jesus through John Smallman – April 12, 2020

John Smallman

(John Smallman)

Jesus Audio Blog for Easter Sunday

We are One, there is only One, therefore everyone is safe!  Despite the fear that is being powerfully encouraged by governments across the world and which is constantly being reported on the mainstream news, ALL are safe.  Yes, some will lay down their physical bodies and transition to the spiritual realms, that is one of the aspects of life in form, but that happens every day, year in year out, with the numbers rising and falling according to the seasons – more in the winter less in the summer.  There is much confusion about numbers – numbers of people infected, and numbers dying due to the infection – and the accuracy of the counting leaves much to be desired.  So do not be in fear for yourselves or for your loved ones as the conflicting reports about the pandemic fill the news channels. →

Read more via John Smallman

Your Harmonious Whole ∞The 9D Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling – May 18, 2019


Your Harmonious Whole ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been getting very excited about the evolution of the human consciousness because you are all so filled with diversity, and the diversity within each one of you is a superpower. As you unlock the diverse energies within you and you begin integrating them into the whole of who you are, there is no telling what you will be capable of doing and becoming. You, there on planet Earth, are very unique, because you have so many different aspects to you.

Read more via Your Harmonious Whole ∞The 9D Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling

Yeshua: Remember You Are Love — Era of Light – December 22, 2018

Christmas day, my birthday, is approaching rapidly, so CELEBRATE! Enormous changes are occurring all across the planet as the moment of your awakening approaches. And that is reason for celebration. Yes, there are many who are in pain, and many who are suffering, and a very effective way to assist and support them is to…Read more

via Yeshua: Remember You Are Love — Era of Light

Moving Forward – October 8, 2018


It is time to stop, look around you and see what needs to go.  During this most recent time of change, The Universe is giving you a chance to do some deep housecleaning.  Again, there are many things you have carried with you that are no longer needed.  You have grown and learned more than you ever thought possible in your lifetime.  It is time to celebrate and release!  Give yourself the gift of clearing what no longer serves you.  It is time, dearest one, to move forward! ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Friday September 21, 2018


Being easy with yourself when things come up for healing allows you to shift with far greater ease with the assistance of your own love and nurturing. Every single time something comes into your awareness for healing or release, it is indicating that you are becoming lighter, more authentic, more aligned, more shifted. It is a wonderful thing to celebrate, that it is no longer a match for you to carry that old fear or wound and that you have worked and evolved to the point where it can now be let go. It is proof positive of your own evolution. Isn’t it time to be a loving guide and support to yourself through these moments of transformation that can often make you feel temporarily vulnerable by creating a space of safety with your own care and understanding until you reach a place of comfort with your new level of beingness? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

The Galactic Federation of Light via Sheldan Nidle, January 2nd, 2017

Joy and salutations from the Galactic Federation and Ascended Masters! We come after this wonderful holiday season that kick-started the final stages of the cabal’s demise. Although for many decades they have been referred to as the “powers that be”,…Read more

via The Galactic Federation of Light via Sheldan Nidle, January 2nd, 2017 — Sananda

The Angels via Ann Albers, December 30th, 2017

My dear friends, we love you so very much, Celebrate! You made it through an extremely tumultuous year upon your planet earth! It was a year of extreme movement upon your planet. It was a year of birthing selves and…Read more

via The Angels via Ann Albers, December 30th, 2017 — Sananda