Encounters With Star People: An Extraterrestrial, A Spacecraft & An Alaskan Blizzard | The Pulse

The topic of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and their possible other-wordly origins is no longer taboo. Articles are being published all the time within the mainstream with one of the latest coming from retired Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet, PH.D. He published a piece in the hill the hill explaining how these unidentified flying objects “may…

Read more: Encounters With Star People: An Extraterrestrial, A Spacecraft & An Alaskan Blizzard — The Pulse

PLANETARY CRUCIFIXION will lead to humanity’s resurrection and unstoppable, cosmic awakening | NaturalNews.com

Tuesday, October 12, 2021 by: Mike Adams

(Natural News) Today’s Situation Update podcast is, in my view, the single most important “red pill” podcast I’ve published this year. The discussion delves into cosmic-level awareness and awakening, covering the process of humanity being red-pilled (sometimes kicking and screaming) into the new era of divinity, empowerment, truth and life.

The phrase, “planetary crucifixion” was told to me by David Wilcock in an extended interview conducted yesterday (2.5 hours in duration). I interviewed Wilcock to learn more about his upcoming video interview series called “The Disclosure.” (TheDisclosure.com) In that interview series, Wilcock explains that his sources will reveal stunning new details about non-human technology transfer into the human domain and what this means for the future of human civilization.

Read more & Situation Update podcast(1:18:30): PLANETARY CRUCIFIXION will lead to humanity’s resurrection and unstoppable, cosmic awakening — NaturalNews.com

The Untold Stories of Native American and Alien Connection | Latest UFO sightings – Aug 1, 2020

Latest UFO Sightings

Before the Europeans found the Americas, a variety of cultures inhabited the land. Unfortunately, the near-annihilation of Native Americans led to the disappearance of ancient knowledge that we might never recover.

On the positive note, survivors managed to pass down stories about the “Star People,” a term that refers to groups of various beings from the sky who shared a connection with humans who were worthy of their teachings. →

Read more & video: “Sioux Chief Speaks About Star People/White Buffalo Calf Woman 1/2” (5:51) via The Untold Stories of Native American and Alien Connection — Latest UFO sightings

(Video) Physicist Says Parallel Universes Definitely Exist and We May Soon Explore Them — Prepare For Change – May 11, 2020

(Prepare For Change)

Authored by Aaron Kesel

The shocking comments were made on the Jeff Rogan Experience (JRE) podcast last year. Carroll says that the fact that tiny particles like electrons and photons don’t have one set location in the universe is evidence that there are many parallel universes.

Recently, in a follow up interview with News.com.au, Carroll expanded his thoughts. “But there’s a lot more going on,” Carroll told News.com.au. “Not every world you imagine actually comes true.” →

Read more & video: “Physicist Sean Carroll Explains Parallel Universes to Joe Rogan” (21:43) via Physicist Says Parallel Universes Definitely Exist and We May Soon Explore Them — Prepare For Change

Earth Alliance via Michael Love | April 5th, 2020








Read more via Sananda.website

Physicist Says Parallel Universes Definitely Exist and We May Soon Explore Them — Waking Times – March 5, 2020

Physicist Says Parallel Universes Definitely Exist and We May Soon Explore Them

Aaron Kesel, The Mind Unleashed
Waking Times

Theoretical physicist Sean Carroll expressed that clues in the small-scale structure of the universe point to the existence of numerous parallel worlds.

The shocking comments were made on the Joe Rogan Experience (JRE) podcast last year. Carroll says that the fact that tiny particles like electrons and photons don’t have one set location in the universe is evidence that there are many parallel universes. →

Read more via Physicist Says Parallel Universes Definitely Exist and We May Soon Explore Them — Waking Times

Chief scientist of NASA now “pre-warning” Earthlings that life exists on Mars and will be announced in the next two years… but warns Earth “isn’t ready” for the bombshell — NaturalNews.com – October 9, 2019

(Natural News) Life on Mars definitely exists, but NASA won’t prove it at this time because the world is “not prepared” for the “revolutionary” implications of disclosure. This is the claim of Dr. Jim Green, anyway, who recently announced that two rovers, one from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the other from the European Space Agency (ESA), are expected to find life on Mars within months of landing there in March 2021. →

Read more via Chief scientist of NASA now “pre-warning” Earthlings that life exists on Mars and will be announced in the next two years… but warns Earth “isn’t ready” for the bombshell — NaturalNews.com


Mars Anomaly Research: The Hidden Truth: Water & Life on Mars


Archangel Metatron: You Have Been Gifted — Era of Light – April 29, 2019

archangel metatron eraoflightdotcom.jpg






Greetings. It is I, Metatron. I have come today to represent the triad comprised of myself, Michael, and Melchizadek. We are very honored to be with you as you begin your journey into higher states of consciousness. The blessings and gifts of Light you have received today have been given to you directly from the Godhead. These gifts are of a nature that you have never received nor have been able to embody. You will walk in the Spirit in which you were created, holding the frequency and resonance of higher dimensional realities.

Read more via Archangel Metatron: You Have Been Gifted — Era of Light

April Lyrid Meteor Shower: When And Where To View It — Humans Are Free – April 9, 2019

The Lyrid meteor shower is almost here yet again and many are quite excited. If you missed it last year, this year might be your chance to catch something very special.

Read more via April Lyrid Meteor Shower: When And Where To View It — Humans Are Free

The Portal: Cobra Update – Cosmic Central Race — February 19, 2019

Cosmic Central Race

Our Return of Light meditation has created a coherent consciousness signal across the universe that got the attention of the Cosmic Central race.
Cosmic Central race is the most advanced race which has evolved around the Cosmic Central Sun. It has now begun to focus its attention towards planet Earth and its liberation, because now there is enough consciousness on the surface of the planet to make cooperation with such evolved beings possible…Read more

via Cosmic Central Race — The Portal