Is Mainstream “UFO Disclosure” A “Psyop” For A “False Flag” Alien Invasion? | Collective Evolution

Collective Evolution | By Arjun Walia – January 20, 2021


The Facts: Mainstream UFO disclosure is taking off, and the subject is no longer taboo. There seems to be a common narrative in the field suggesting that because mainstream media is presenting it the way they now are, the phenomenon represents nothing but lies.

Reflect On: Does mainstream media cover real events and attempt to manipulate the perception of the masses regarding such events? Is there are powerful group of people out there who want to control the narrative when it comes to the topic of UFOs?

Read more: Is Mainstream “UFO Disclosure” A “Psyop” For A “False Flag” Alien Invasion? — Collective Evolution

CIA Drops “Black Vault” Trove Containing “All” Government Documents on UFOs | Activist Post

Activist Post – January 19, 2021 | By Elias Marat

The CIA has released all publicly available U.S. government documents collected on unidentified flying objects (UFO) over the course of three decades that can now be downloaded by any curious users.

Read more: CIA Drops “Black Vault” Trove Containing “All” Government Documents on UFOs — Activist Post

The Untold Stories of Native American and Alien Connection | Latest UFO sightings – Aug 1, 2020

Latest UFO Sightings

Before the Europeans found the Americas, a variety of cultures inhabited the land. Unfortunately, the near-annihilation of Native Americans led to the disappearance of ancient knowledge that we might never recover.

On the positive note, survivors managed to pass down stories about the “Star People,” a term that refers to groups of various beings from the sky who shared a connection with humans who were worthy of their teachings. →

Read more & video: “Sioux Chief Speaks About Star People/White Buffalo Calf Woman 1/2” (5:51) via The Untold Stories of Native American and Alien Connection — Latest UFO sightings

New Files Reveal That British Intelligence(MI5) Was Desperate To Reverse Engineer UFO Technology — Collective Evolution – July 3, 2018

Think about how far we’ve come, technologically speaking, within the past 100+ years. Imagine living in the early 1900s, do you think you would have ever envisioned a future as such? We are increasing our technological development at an exponential pace, so much so that it can be overwhelming. Now think about the fact that the….Read more

via New Files Reveal That British Intelligence(MI5) Was Desperate To Reverse Engineer UFO Technology — Collective Evolution

Two Silver UFOs Over Easter Island On March 14, 2018, Photos, UFO Sighting News — July 1, 2018

Date of sighting: March 14, 2018 Location of sighting: Easter IslandSource: MUFON #93005This UFO was one of two seen and when they were noticed by the eyewitnesses, they darted into the clouds to hide. As I have said before, UFOs use the easiest way possible to hide…within clouds. They are even capable of making a cloud….Read more & photos

via Two Silver UFOs Over Easter Island On March 14, 2018, Photos, UFO Sighting News. — UFO SIGHTINGS DAILY

UFO Triangle formation in the sky above France, 20 – September, 2017 (Video)


This interesting footage of a triangular formation was filmed in the sky above France This happened on 20th September 2017. The post Triangle formation in the sky above France 20-Sep-2017 appeared first on Latest UFO sightings…….Video

via Triangle formation in the sky above France 20-Sep-2017 — Latest UFO sightings

Elon Musk: “Super Intelligent Aliens” Are “Probably Already Observing Us” (Videos) — September 23, 2017

“Yes there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered. . . . We are not alone in the universe, they have been coming here for a long time. . . . I happen to be privileged enough to be in on the fact that we have been visited on this planet, and the UFO phenomenon is…Read more & video

via Elon Musk: “Super Intelligent Aliens” Are “Probably Already Observing Us” — Collective Evolution

50+ objects over Santa Monica, California 10-Aug-2017(Video)


This interesting footage of bright orbs was filmed over Santa Monica, California a few days ago. Witness report: Orb like sighting of 50 objects over […] The post 50 objects over Santa Monica, California 10-Aug-2017 appeared first on Latest UFO sightings…

via 50 objects over Santa Monica, California 10-Aug-2017 — Latest UFO sightings

Latest UFO Sightings from ECETI Ranch (VIDEO) – August 3, 2017

Here are a few new clips of an unidentified flying objects flying in the sky above the famous UFO hotspot Eceti Ranch US state Washington. The post Latest UFO Sightings from ECETI Ranch (VIDEO) appeared first on Latest UFO sightings…

via Latest UFO Sightings from ECETI Ranch (VIDEO) — Latest UFO sightings

Austria: Double UFO Sightings Capture In Two Separate Videos Showing Two Mysterious Flying Machines – July 12, 2017


UFO enthusiasts are wondering what could be the identity of the mysterious objects on videos that were captured by two different witnesses in Graz, Austria […] The post Austria: Double UFO Sightings Capture In Two Separate Videos Showing Two Mysterious Flying Machines appeared first on Latest UFO sightings…..

via Austria: Double UFO Sightings Capture In Two Separate Videos Showing Two Mysterious Flying Machines — Latest UFO sightings