Mars, Keys of Enoch, Space Arks, Portals, Pyramids & Return of ET Seeders |


Dr. JJ. Hurtak burst onto the metaphysical and UFO scenes with his 1973 book, The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch, which contained groundbreaking information about ancient civilizations on Earth and Mars, the origins of UFOs, higher dimensional entities, Merkaba travel, pyramids, and extraterrestrial life and technology. The accuracy of his remote viewing, and extent of his extraterrestrial and higher dimensional encounters, led to him being recognized as a leading authority on esoteric topics being studied by researchers, general public and government officials.

Read more & video interview(1:26:10): Mars, Keys of Enoch, Space Arks, Portals, Pyramids & Return of ET Seeders — Exopolitics

Time Travel, Portals & the Montauk Project – Interview with Stewart Swerdlow |


Stewart Swerdlow was among the initial group of child participants that was involuntarily recruited into the Montauk Project that ran from 1970 to 1983 at the northeast end of Long Island, New York.

Read more & video(1:23:44): Time Travel, Portals & the Montauk Project – Interview with Stewart Swerdlow —

VIDEO: Portals, Stargates, and Kundalini with Elena Danaan and Corina Pataki

By The Quest For Truth – Hidden Mysteries TV – Apr 3, 2022

In this eye-opening interview, Corina discusses the difference between portals, star gates, and worm holes with Elena; what are their functions and what is their differences? Elena also breaks down the understanding of kundalini; what exactly it is, what is its function, and how one would activate it.


Six days to ET Seeders, Space Arks & the Great Reveal Webinar |


Much has happened since I first announced the ET Seeders, Space Arks & the Great Reveal webinar two weeks ago. Scientists have reported a massive heat dome hovering directly over East Antarctica, leading to significant melting of the ice sheet. The heat dome is centered over the Vostok region, with Antarctica’s largest freshwater lake directly underneath it—two miles down.

Read more: Six days to ET Seeders, Space Arks & the Great Reveal Webinar —


By Elena Danaan – Premiered Mar 23, 2022

Dan Winter and myself are talking about Stargates, and Dan demonstrates the difference between a coherent lucid dream and a Stargate as a ‘matter’ of charge density. Fasten your seat belts, it is going to blow your mind… (as it always does with Doc Winter !)

Read more & video(1:47:33):

How to break the power of government | The Final Wakeup Call

Who has the last word?

The Final Wakeup Call | By Peter B. Meyer – February 15, 2022

The majority of the population is unaware that the government is in the service of the people to run the country or state. The reality is that ultimately the power lies with the people, for they have a constitutional right to determine what should and should not be done. In case of 

non-compliance, the government can be sent home. So, in the case of failure to act in the interest of the country and/or the people, the people take back their trust and dismiss the government and take control themselves. As is happening now through the initiative of the Truckers and many others.

Continue Reading → How to break the power of government — The Final Wakeup Call

Nederlands: Hoe de macht van de overheid wordt gebroken

Wie heeft het laatste woord? De meerderheid van de bevolking is zich niet bewust dat de regering in dienst is van het volk om het land of staat te besturen. De werkelijkheid is dat uiteindelijk de macht bij…Continue Reading

Deutsch: Wie man die Macht der Regierung brechen kann

Wer hat das letzte Wort? Die Mehrheit der Bevölkerung ist sich nicht bewusst, dass die Regierung im Dienste des Volkes steht, um das Land oder den Staat zu führen. In Wirklichkeit liegt die Macht letztlich beim Volk, denn es hat…Continue Reading

Français: Comment le pouvoir du gouvernement sera-t-il brisé

Qui a le dernier mot ? La majorité de la population ignore que le gouvernement est au service du peuple pour diriger le pays ou l’État. La réalité est qu’en fin de compte, le pouvoir appartient au peuple, car il…Continue Reading

Italiano: Come spezzare il potere del governo

Chi ha l’ultima parola? La maggioranza della popolazione non sa che il governo è al servizio del popolo per gestire il paese o lo stato. La realtà è che alla fine il potere è del popolo, perché ha il diritto…Continue Reading

VIDEO: Q&A STARSHIPS – Aug 24/2021 | Elena Danaan

By Elena Danaan – Streamed live on Aug 24, 2021

Read more & video(2:01:24):

Video: Elena Danaan Update June 17 2021

By Elena Danaan – Premiered Jun 18, 2021

News from the front line, intel from the Galactic Federation of Worlds. Behold, be resilient, keep hope and keep on fighting.

A great evil is leaving.

Victory is near.

Liberation is here

And now.


The Most Powerful Portals You’ll Ever Access ∞The 9D Arcturian Council | Daniel Scranton’s Channeling – February 24, 2021

The Most Powerful Portals You’ll Ever Access ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have awakened so many of you to the portals of energy that you have around you and that we continuously add to your dimension in order to improve our energy delivery system. We also want you to recognize that these portals pale in comparison to the ones that you are going to be opening inside of yourselves and all around you when you choose to tap in to those abilities. You have access to so much love, joy, abundance, creativity, downloads of information, activations, upgrades, and attunements, and we don’t want you to believe that you have to wait for us, or any other beings or collectives throughout the universe, in order to receive.

Read more: The Most Powerful Portals You’ll Ever Access ∞The 9D Arcturian Council — Daniel Scranton’s Channeling