
Governments Lifting COVID Mandates Are Not Crediting Protests, But Themselves | The Pulse

The Pulse | By ARJUN WALIA – FEBRUARY 18, 2022

Multiple countries have already or are in the process of lifting all COVID mandates, which include vaccine passports. Here in Canada, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Ontario have announced the end of such mandates, and it looks like Quebec may soon follow. Several European countries have done the same.

Read more: Governments Lifting COVID Mandates Are Not Crediting Protests, But Themselves — The Pulse

How to break the power of government | The Final Wakeup Call

Who has the last word?

The Final Wakeup Call | By Peter B. Meyer – February 15, 2022

The majority of the population is unaware that the government is in the service of the people to run the country or state. The reality is that ultimately the power lies with the people, for they have a constitutional right to determine what should and should not be done. In case of 

non-compliance, the government can be sent home. So, in the case of failure to act in the interest of the country and/or the people, the people take back their trust and dismiss the government and take control themselves. As is happening now through the initiative of the Truckers and many others.

Continue Reading → How to break the power of government — The Final Wakeup Call

Nederlands: Hoe de macht van de overheid wordt gebroken

Wie heeft het laatste woord? De meerderheid van de bevolking is zich niet bewust dat de regering in dienst is van het volk om het land of staat te besturen. De werkelijkheid is dat uiteindelijk de macht bij…Continue Reading

Deutsch: Wie man die Macht der Regierung brechen kann

Wer hat das letzte Wort? Die Mehrheit der Bevölkerung ist sich nicht bewusst, dass die Regierung im Dienste des Volkes steht, um das Land oder den Staat zu führen. In Wirklichkeit liegt die Macht letztlich beim Volk, denn es hat…Continue Reading

Français: Comment le pouvoir du gouvernement sera-t-il brisé

Qui a le dernier mot ? La majorité de la population ignore que le gouvernement est au service du peuple pour diriger le pays ou l’État. La réalité est qu’en fin de compte, le pouvoir appartient au peuple, car il…Continue Reading

Italiano: Come spezzare il potere del governo

Chi ha l’ultima parola? La maggioranza della popolazione non sa che il governo è al servizio del popolo per gestire il paese o lo stato. La realtà è che alla fine il potere è del popolo, perché ha il diritto…Continue Reading

Real Domestic Terrorists Need to be Tried for Treason and Genocide – U.S. Public vs. Corporate Bankers | Health Impact News

by Brian Shilhavy – January 15, 2022
Editor, Health Impact News

Regular readers of Health Impact News are very familiar with how I have used the term “Globalist” to identify the true enemies of the people since the COVID war on humanity started.

I have repeatedly written that politicians are “puppets,” bought and paid for by these Globalists who own Wall Street and the banks. They control the flow of money through their “Central Banks” and in the United States the “Federal Reserve.”

They use their illegally obtained wealth to buy power, including rigging elections, making sure their judges sit on the benches of the judicial system, and control the affairs of the world through their secret intelligence agencies who serve them, such as the CIA, Mossad, and MI6.

Read more: Real Domestic Terrorists Need to be Tried for Treason and Genocide – U.S. Public vs. Corporate Bankers — Health Impact News

Top Israeli immunologist calls out government for catastrophic pandemic handling | NaturalHealth365

by: Edit Lang, staff writer | January 15, 2022


(NaturalHealth365)  By now – almost two years into the pandemic – millions worldwide see clearly what the governments around the world are up to.  They know what’s going on.  People are waking up in droves, rejecting the lies, coercion, mandates, threats, and censorship.  Their blatant efforts to crush fundamental human rights are backfiring.  As they desperately attempt to hold onto their power to control the very people they are supposed to protect and represent, it becomes more evident that this is not about a virus.  The draconian measures are not about public health.

Read more:

Preparing for 5D Changes | The Final Wakeup Call

Consciousness and Unity

Awakening People

Natural Laws

The Final Wakeup Call | By Peter B. Meyer – December 15, 2021

Engineered Social Culture

Humanity needs to re-educate itself to understand what is really happening in the world today. We live in an age of engineered social culture that is leading us to an anti-human death culture. Until humanity has an accurate assessment of where it is coming from, it should not participate.

But those who are awakened by this information do have a responsibility to make the cabal’s intentions known in this last 3D-cycle of the human race on earth. To expose the crimes against humanity that are becoming more and more apparent. Committed by the higher realms in the Inter Galactic Community (cabal) those who operate behind the scenes on Earth and act against the laws of nature. All humanity will have to understand that the cabal has repeatedly violated the laws of nature, and that this has consequences.

Continue Reading → Preparing for 5D Changes — The Final Wakeup Call

Nederlands: Voorbereiding op 5D-veranderingen

Bewustzijn en Eenheid Mensen wakker schudden Natuurwetten   Geëngineerde sociale cultuur De mensheid moet zichzelf heropvoeden om te begrijpen wat er werkelijk gebeurt in de wereld van vandaag. We leven in een tijdperk van geëngineerd sociale cultuur die ons naar…Continue Reading

Deutsch: Vorbereitung auf die 5D-Änderungen

Bewusstheit und Eins Sein Menschen erwecken Naturgesetze   Gestaltete soziale Kultur Die Menschheit muss sich selbst umerziehen, um zu verstehen, was heute wirklich in der Welt geschieht. Wir leben in einem Zeitalter der technisierten sozialen Kultur, die uns zu einer…Continue Reading

Français: Se préparer aux changements 5D

Conscience et unité Éveiller les gens Lois naturelles    Une culture sociale élaborée L’humanité doit se rééduquer pour comprendre ce qui se passe réellement dans le monde d’aujourd’hui. Nous vivons à une époque de culture sociale conçue artificiellement qui nous…Continue Reading

Italiano: Preparazione per le modifiche 5D

Coscienza e Unità Risveglio delle persone Leggi naturali Cultura sociale ingegnerizzata L’umanità ha bisogno di rieducarsi per capire cosa sta realmente accadendo nel mondo di oggi. Viviamo in un’epoca di cultura sociale ingegnerizzata che ci sta portando a una cultura…Continue Reading

Brutal cold wave in Europe leads to record-high energy prices |

Image: Brutal cold wave in Europe leads to record-high energy prices

(Natural News) A brutal cold wave is sweeping across Europe, bringing in tons of snow, triggering power outages and devastating several countries with lows that have not been seen since 1980 in Sweden. The extreme freeze over northern Scandinavia has also caused energy prices to soar to record highs. The main reason is the high consumption combined with ice formation on rivers with hydropower plants in northern Sweden, where it is closely linked together by the same electricity grid.

All World Leaders Serve The New World Order | Prepare For Change

Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organised, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that…

All World Leaders Serve The New World Order — Prepare For Change

Have courage and trust in the Plan! | The Final Wakeup Call

The End of a Period and the Beginning of a New Cycle

The Final Wakeup Call – November 21, 2021

Your consciousness is the password for entering the world of the 5th Dimension. It will be at that moment when your consciousness says, do! or, fail! In that moment you will be alone! Nobody will judge you or reward you. But you will feel it when it has really happened. It is the end of a period! And it will be the beginning of a new era.

Continue Reading: Have courage and trust in the Plan! — The Final Wakeup Call

Green push to end coal use backfires… usage actually INCREASED in the East while being forcibly decreased in the West |

Wednesday, November 17, 2021 by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) Efforts by “green” energy fanatics to stop all mining and burning of “dirty” coal in the West have backfired in a major way.

According to reports, the push to “greenify” Western energy habits only ended up pushing more coal usage in the East – and particularly in China, which always seems to be mysteriously exempt from “climate change” tyranny.

Read more: Green push to end coal use backfires… usage actually INCREASED in the East while being forcibly decreased in the West —