(VIDEOS) International Group Of Attorneys Proceed With Covid-19 Crimes Against Humanity Grand Jury | Waking Times

Don Via Jr., RDL
Waking Times – February 8, 2022

A collective of lawyers and attorneys, and one judge, from around the globe representing an independent organization known as the People’s Court of Public Opinion on behalf of the German based Corona investigative Committee, have come together to begin criminal investigation proceedings to present what they allege to be evidence of crimes against humanity committed by policy makers in response of the covid-19 pandemic.

Read more & videos: International Group Of Attorneys Proceed With Covid-19 Crimes Against Humanity Grand Jury — Waking Times

Preparing for 5D Changes | The Final Wakeup Call

Consciousness and Unity

Awakening People

Natural Laws

The Final Wakeup Call | By Peter B. Meyer – December 15, 2021

Engineered Social Culture

Humanity needs to re-educate itself to understand what is really happening in the world today. We live in an age of engineered social culture that is leading us to an anti-human death culture. Until humanity has an accurate assessment of where it is coming from, it should not participate.

But those who are awakened by this information do have a responsibility to make the cabal’s intentions known in this last 3D-cycle of the human race on earth. To expose the crimes against humanity that are becoming more and more apparent. Committed by the higher realms in the Inter Galactic Community (cabal) those who operate behind the scenes on Earth and act against the laws of nature. All humanity will have to understand that the cabal has repeatedly violated the laws of nature, and that this has consequences.

Continue Reading → Preparing for 5D Changes — The Final Wakeup Call

Nederlands: Voorbereiding op 5D-veranderingen

Bewustzijn en Eenheid Mensen wakker schudden Natuurwetten   Geëngineerde sociale cultuur De mensheid moet zichzelf heropvoeden om te begrijpen wat er werkelijk gebeurt in de wereld van vandaag. We leven in een tijdperk van geëngineerd sociale cultuur die ons naar…Continue Reading

Deutsch: Vorbereitung auf die 5D-Änderungen

Bewusstheit und Eins Sein Menschen erwecken Naturgesetze   Gestaltete soziale Kultur Die Menschheit muss sich selbst umerziehen, um zu verstehen, was heute wirklich in der Welt geschieht. Wir leben in einem Zeitalter der technisierten sozialen Kultur, die uns zu einer…Continue Reading

Français: Se préparer aux changements 5D

Conscience et unité Éveiller les gens Lois naturelles    Une culture sociale élaborée L’humanité doit se rééduquer pour comprendre ce qui se passe réellement dans le monde d’aujourd’hui. Nous vivons à une époque de culture sociale conçue artificiellement qui nous…Continue Reading

Italiano: Preparazione per le modifiche 5D

Coscienza e Unità Risveglio delle persone Leggi naturali Cultura sociale ingegnerizzata L’umanità ha bisogno di rieducarsi per capire cosa sta realmente accadendo nel mondo di oggi. Viviamo in un’epoca di cultura sociale ingegnerizzata che ci sta portando a una cultura…Continue Reading

(Video) Familj med nazistiska rötter bakom digitala vaccinpass | VAKEN.se

VAKEN.se – 6 Augusti, 2021

Företaget Entrust som har vunnit kontrakt om att införa digitala vaccinpass i Storbritannien ägs av familjen Quandt vilka har nazistiska rötter genom att de var en mäktig familj i Hitler-Tyskland. De hade bland annat nära släktband med Joseph Goebbels vilket de drog nytta av. De har sedan dess utökat sin makt i Tyskland och globalt.

Läs mer & video(5:07): “Digital Passport Company Run By NAZIs”: Familj med nazistiska rötter bakom digitala vaccinpass — VAKEN.se