WATCH: Klaus Schwab Warns Nations Tempted To Preserve Their Own Sovereignty Over The Global Agenda | GreatGameIndia

By GreatGameIndia – May 26, 2022

In a minimalistic sense, countries must comply with the globalists’ ‘Great Reset’ agenda is what they want. Watch here as Klaus Schwab warns nations tempted to preserve their own sovereignty over the global agenda.

As World Economic Forum President Klaus Schwab declared at the start of the annual Davos gathering that “the future is built by us,” two other European elites asserted that the global energy crisis is a “transition” that will be “painful” for most, but it should not be opposed by countries enticed to maintain their own sovereign power over the “global agenda.”

Read more & short videos: WATCH: Klaus Schwab Warns Nations Tempted To Preserve Their Own Sovereignty Over The Global Agenda — GreatGameIndia