Growing for a better world: The 5 benefits of organic gardening – November 16, 2017

Image: Growing for a better world: The 5 benefits of organic gardening

(Natural News) We can all do our part in helping regenerate the Earth. This can be as small as learning how to garden. Organic backyard farming, or simply gardening, is one of the best ways to start helping our communities and our environment.

Commercial agriculture creates only a few jobs, since most commercial farms make use of machinery. In small, developing countries, farmers are paid less than the minimum wage in compensation for their hard work. Being a commercial farmer isn’t all that great, since companies that own the farms take 95 percent of the earnings for themselves. It also isn’t beneficial to the land itself, since chemicals, synthetics, and other artificial materials are used to eliminate pests and weeds. If chemical pesticides and weed-killing substances are poisonous to humans, then it would be lethal to the soil and to nature as well.

Organic gardening is the best activity to start if you’re concerned about your health, the environment, and want to find more ways to control your finances (and earn a bit more on the side). It isn’t rocket science, and some schools even incorporate community gardening into kindergarten curricula! If you still aren’t convinced, here are a few reasons why you should start your own organic produce garden.