Shocking investigation reveals top 5 pesticide companies in the world use Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHP) and concentrate these products in developing nations |

(Natural News) An analysis of data found that people from developing countries are more likely to suffer from exposure to pesticides classified as highly hazardous to human health and the environment. This analysis also showed that the world’s top five pesticide makers are making billions from these same chemicals.

Read more: Shocking investigation reveals top 5 pesticide companies in the world use Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHP) and concentrate these products in developing nations —

Re-Designing CommUNITY, The-Co-Creation of The New Earth Village | Collective Evolution – Aug 13, 2020

Collective Evolution

In this colourful time where humans are given the choice to evolve or stay the same, I am in humble ceremony and celebration for all that is unfolding. I use it as a stepping stone into TRUTH. I choose to see it as all serving personal and collective ascension, rather than labelling it as chaos, good/bad, right/wrong, and the path to a paralyzing apocalypse. I strive to lead my life with flow, and have been practising non-resistance, non-attachment, and non-judgment when stories and limited belief systems come knocking on my door. →

More via Re-Designing CommUNITY, The-Co-Creation of The New Earth Village — Collective Evolution

Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message | June 14, 2019 — Voyages of Light

Political views and opinions are being shaken up and down all over the world, and that should not be surprising in view of the effect the new energies are having. As we have stated on more than one occasion, you are in rapidly changing times that will eventually take you fully into the New Age. In most instances the higher vibrations that you are experiencing have brought about what you call the grass roots of a new way of living that will be far more acceptable and in accordance with the wishes of the people.

Read more via Mike Quinsey’s Higher Self Message | June 14, 2019 — Voyages of Light

Physical activity in the ‘right way’ for just 10 minutes per week reduces your risk of premature death, science reveals — NaturalHealth365 – May 13, 2019

(NaturalHealth365) We’re all aware of the importance of regular exercise and physical activity for a healthy life. Now a collaborative study out of Shandong University in China, the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis and the University of Texas Medical Branch Galveston has found the benefits of higher intensity activity for short periods include a profound impact on reducing mortality.

Read more via Physical activity in the ‘right way’ for just 10 minutes per week reduces your risk of premature death, science reveals — NaturalHealth365

Food Forests Could Bring Healthy Organic Food To Everyone: For Free — Collective Evolution – May 28, 2018

Food forests or Forest gardening have been around for a long time with many of the native cultures practicing this form of sustainable agriculture. It is a form of low-maintenance plant-based food production which replicates natural ecosystems, incorporating fruit and nut trees, shrubs, herbs, running vines and perennial vegetables. Beneficial plants and companion planting is a big part of the food forest…Read more & video

via Food Forests Could Bring Healthy Organic Foo To Everyone: For Free — Collective Evolution

Censorship RAMPAGE spins out of control as YouTube bans videos about donkeys, chickens and home gardening (Videos) – March 3, 2018

Image: Censorship RAMPAGE spins out of control as YouTube bans videos about donkeys, chickens and home gardening

(Natural News) In the last 24 hours, YouTube — run by radical left-wing totalitarians at Google — has terminated both the Health Ranger channel and the InfoWars channel, along with thousands of other independent media channels that are being targeted for termination due to purely political reasons…..Read more & videos at Natural News

Wildflowers Are the Best Pesticide (Video) — February 16, 2018

by Dr. Mercola Wildflowers are home to many beneficial insects, including natural predators to common crop pests like cereal leaf beetles and aphids Fields planted with strips of wildflowers had 40 to 53 percent lower beetle density and 61 percent less beetle damage compared to the control fields Research revealed the frequency of pollinator visits…Read more

via The Galactic Free Press

Growing for a better world: The 5 benefits of organic gardening – November 16, 2017

Image: Growing for a better world: The 5 benefits of organic gardening

(Natural News) We can all do our part in helping regenerate the Earth. This can be as small as learning how to garden. Organic backyard farming, or simply gardening, is one of the best ways to start helping our communities and our environment.

Commercial agriculture creates only a few jobs, since most commercial farms make use of machinery. In small, developing countries, farmers are paid less than the minimum wage in compensation for their hard work. Being a commercial farmer isn’t all that great, since companies that own the farms take 95 percent of the earnings for themselves. It also isn’t beneficial to the land itself, since chemicals, synthetics, and other artificial materials are used to eliminate pests and weeds. If chemical pesticides and weed-killing substances are poisonous to humans, then it would be lethal to the soil and to nature as well.

Organic gardening is the best activity to start if you’re concerned about your health, the environment, and want to find more ways to control your finances (and earn a bit more on the side). It isn’t rocket science, and some schools even incorporate community gardening into kindergarten curricula! If you still aren’t convinced, here are a few reasons why you should start your own organic produce garden.


How Do You Grow Fresh Organic Veggies & Herbs Right In Your Kitchen? – Now You Can – September 24, 2017


What if you could have fresh organic veggies, herbs and flowers that are grown year round with no chemicals, pesticides or fertilizers right in your kitchen? Thanks to Hyundai you can! This is a whole food lovers dream come true! The Nano-Garden is an absolutely amazing invention especially for people, like myself, who are living in condos, or in houses that don’t have much yard space

The nano-garden somewhat resembles a refrigerator, and takes up approximately the same amount of space. It contains a hydroponic system, which means that it is capable of growing plants in a mineral nutrient solution, in water, without any soil, pesticides or fertilizers. The garden also has features that will allow the user to decide the speed of growth of the veggies and herbs by controlling the amount of light, nutrient supply and water. In addition, the unit will alert its users when it is time to provide the plants with water or nutrients. It also functions as a natural air purifier by eliminating unpleasant smells….

The Astonishing Success of Fleet Farming: Breaking New Ground in the “Food Not Lawns” Movement – August 12, 2017

Fleet Farming

July 31st, 2017

By Carolanne Wright

Contributing writer for Wake Up World

If you’re anything like me, America’s obsession with ornamental lawns seems nothing short of folly at best, sheer polluting waste at worst. Many are unaware that lawns are one of the largest sources of pollution in the US, with 40 million acres under cultivation, they absorb three million tons of chemical fertilizers and 30,000 tons of pesticides, and use 800 million gallons of gasoline for mowing each year. [source]

And for what? A green patch that serves very little purpose, yet creates staggering pollution. Meanwhile, we have a severe need for more localized food systems and access to affordable produce in neighborhoods throughout the US.

We can complain and fume about this state of affairs — or we can do something about it. Recognizing there had to be a better way, the idea of Fleet Farming was born…

Read more & video at: WakeUp-World