The Dr. Ardis Show: Dr. Vladimir Zelenko says omicron variant hysteria is overblown – Brighteon.TV |

Sunday, January 09, 2022 by: Mary Villareal

(Natural News) Renowned physician Dr. Vladimir Zelenko downplayed the significance of the newly discovered IHU variant of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) during the Jan. 5 episode of “The Dr. Ardis Show” with Dr. Bryan Ardis on Brighteon.TV.

“There is nothing to worry about,” Zelenko said, referring to the variant first found in France. “I have no concern because I understand the biology behind these viruses, and I understand the treatment approaches and the mechanisms of action.”

Read more & Watch the full January 5 episode of “The Dr. Ardis Show”(52:48): The Dr. Ardis Show: Dr. Vladimir Zelenko says omicron variant hysteria is overblown – Brighteon.TV —

End Covid masks, dirty vaccines, and “public quarantines” for LOW-RISK Americans now |

March 20, 2021 by: S.D. Wells

(Natural News) Enough is enough. Quarantining the healthy is absurd and useless. We never did it with the measles or the flu, so why now? Well, most of us realize it was to rig the election, and because we all thought “better safe than sorry,” but now that time has passed, and those hard lessons have been learned. In fact, quarantining the healthy, social distancing, and ridiculous, perpetual mask-wearing are all destroying natural immunity, as we’re all hidden away from Nature and the wild viruses that we all build antibodies against from day to day.

Read more: End Covid masks, dirty vaccines, and “public quarantines” for LOW-RISK Americans now —