EU parliament declares fossil fuel to be “green” energy as climate change narrative self-destructs |

Thursday, July 07, 2022 by: Mike Adams

(Natural News) The EU parliament just announced a decision that’s causing the fraudulent climate change narrative to self-destruct. “EU parliament backs labeling gas and nuclear investments as green,” reads a Reuters headline from yesterday. “The European Parliament on Wednesday backed EU rules labeling investments in gas and nuclear power plants as climate-friendly,” Reuters continues, explaining that the EU has been plunged into an energy crisis that’s dividing EU nations and forcing a reevaluation on which energy sources are deemed “renewable.”

Read more & videos: EU parliament declares fossil fuel to be “green” energy as climate change narrative self-destructs —

NASA takes pictures of glaciers in the heat of summer, then claims, “They’re MELTING!” — – August 23, 2019

(Natural News) In the latest instance of climate alarmism gone awry, NASA scientists and engineers are now trying to claim that the warmer air and water temperatures seen in summer months is actually proof of global warming. A team of NASA’s finest recently took photos of melting glaciers in Greenland — yes, in the middle of the summer — and are now proclaiming that these images are “evidence” of global warming, glacial melting and the long-predicted climate apocalypse. Not only that, but the researchers are now “investigating” why Greenland glaciers lose more ice in the summer. →

Read more via NASA takes pictures of glaciers in the heat of summer, then claims, “They’re MELTING!” —