Thank you “Dedication to the Light” | Para Kas-Vetter — Voyages of Light – May 23, 2020

Photo by Para Kas-Vetter

Voyages of Light

Thank you “Dedication to the Light”

It took something profound that touched my soul and stirred such a huge realisation about something so deep, that I write to all who have walked a path of truth for so long.

“……how much you have gone through to prove your strength and dedication to the Light…..”

Voyages of Light or Tree of the Golden Light

The words written by Mike Quinsey woke a part of my soul to such a level I had not anticipated upon reading some articles from Voyages of Light, that my husband Otto had read and left on the computer for me to see.

I thought I was a stubborn soul to realise I was determination. Determined for truth to unfold, to stand for truth, to fight for truth. I thought I was alone fighting my own battles to learn I was not. →

Read more via Thank you “Dedication to the Light” | Para Kas-Vetter — Voyages of Light