(Videos) Why Is Facebook Banning Users Who Share The “Plandemic” Movie? | Collective Evolution – Aug 20, 2020

Collective Evolution | By Arjun Walia – Aug 19, 2020

  • The Facts: Facebook has been banning users ability to share a film called Plandemic. YouTube, Twitter and Google have also heavily censored the film.
  • Reflect On: Why are people not allowed to see ‘other’ perspectives to determine what information is true to them? Why does mainstream media have the power to control mass perception and decide what is true and false?

What Happened: Facebook has halted users from sharing the link to the “Plandemic movie.” Now, part 2 called Plandemic: Indoctornation has been released and millions are feeling incredibly moved by the information, but are not allowed to share it on social media.

Read more & watch the first “Plandemic” film and the “Plandemic Indoctornation” on CETV via — Collective Evolution

Facebook to Ban Users Who Share Infowars Content Unless It Is ‘Explicitly Condemning’ It — The Free Thought Project – May 3, 2019

It’s world press freedom day and Facebook is celebrating it by promising to ban users who share content from Infowars unless they are condemning it.


In one of the most disturbing moves by Facebook we’ve ever seen, the platform banned Alex Jones and other controversial U.S. political personalities for violating the social media company’s policies on “dangerous individuals and organizations.”

Read more via Facebook to Ban Users Who Share Infowars Content Unless It Is ‘Explicitly Condemning’ It — The Free Thought Project