If masks are no longer needed in UK, why do they work in the USA? Does the virus know what continent it’s on? | NaturalNews.com

Wednesday, January 26, 2022 by: S.D. Wells

(Natural News) If masks and vaccines really work, then the virus would be done here, and everywhere already, entering the endemic phase. Somehow, Covid seems to hate America, maybe for claiming independence from the UK, and has now sided with the UK. This news comes on the heels of Boris Johnson announcing the END of nearly ALL Covid restrictions, including mask wearing, vaccination requirements, social distancing, lockdowns, shopping restrictions, you name it. So the question looms: HOW does the virus know not to infect UK people but the same virus knows to infect USA people? Answer: It’s a domestic biological terrorist regime working from the inside.

Read more: If masks are no longer needed in UK, why do they work in the USA? Does the virus know what continent it’s on? — NaturalNews.com

Worldwide Walkouts November 3, 2021

Read more: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/child-health-topics/health-freedom/worldwide-walk-outs/