Paper on Nuclear Fusion Reactor for Hybrid Spacecraft Published in Prestigious Journal — Exopolitics – January 24, 2020


(Exopolitics)  A major breakthrough has occurred in the scientific community’s almost unanimous skeptical reaction to Dr. Salvator Pais’ patent for a portable nuclear fusion reactor that would power his proposed “Hybrid Aerospace Underwater Craft” – a prestigious engineering journal has published a paper authored by him describing his incredible invention and its applications.

The paper is titled “The Plasma Compression Fusion Device—Enabling Nuclear Fusion Ignition” and it appeared in the November 2019 edition (Vol 47, Issue 11) of the journal, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science. The journal is published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and only publishes articles that are peer reviewed in a blind submission process. →

Read more via Paper on Nuclear Fusion Reactor for Hybrid Spacecraft Published in Prestigious Journal —

Navy Patents UFO-Like Compact Nuclear Fusion Reactor and Hybrid Space/Sea Crafts — October 19, 2019

By Jake Anderson

(Activist Post)  A mysterious set of patents filed recently by a U.S Navy researcher has caught the eyes of technologists and conspiracy theorists alike.

These patents describe exotic technologies that do not exist in the commercial or military spheres—as far as we know—and that usually only surface in UFO lore, including high-energy electromagnetic force fields, revolutionary propulsion systems, and a “hybrid aerospace-underwater craft.”

The newest patent is for a practical fusion reactor that could be stored in aircraft to help achieve unimaginable speeds and maneuverability. →

Read more via Navy Patents UFO-Like Compact Nuclear Fusion Reactor and Hybrid Space/Sea Crafts — Activist Post

US Navy Patent for Nuclear Fusion Reactor Supports claims of Mile-Long Space Carriers — Exopolitics – October 12, 2019


(ExoPolitics)  The US Navy has authorized the publication of a patent for a nuclear fusion reactor that can both generate enormous quantities of power and yet be small enough to be fitted on mobile platforms, including spacecraft. The patent’s publication supports Whistleblower/Insider claims of mile (1.6 kilometers) long space carriers that have been secretly built and deployed by the Navy since the late 1970s and early 1980s. →

Read more & video: “What is FUSION IGNITION? What does FUSION IGNITION mean? FUSION IGNITION meaning & explanation” (3:23) via  — Exopolitics