Bombshell report shows Johnson Johnson talc baby powder products are contaminated with cancer-causing asbestos – and the company has known for nearly 50 years — – January 13, 2019

(Natural News) Johnson & Johnson (J&J), an iconic household name in the United States, is facing a multitude of lawsuits after it was revealed that the company’s talc baby powder products are contaminated with cancer-causing asbestos – a fact that the company has known about since at least the early 1970s, it turns out. Internal…..Read more

via Bombshell report shows Johnson Johnson talc baby powder products are contaminated with cancer-causing asbestos – and the company has known for nearly 50 years —

51 Alternative Uses For Baking Soda That You Never Thought About — Era of Light – Aug 10, 2018

I don’t mean to sound seditious here, but I have a rebellious plan to combat the ills that many corporations are perpetrating in the name of fighting grime and germs. My main gripe is about the environmental pollutants from cleaning and personal care products that we wash down our drains and into our water systems,….Read more

via 51 Alternative Uses For Baking Soda That You Never Thought About — Era of Light