Benjamin Fulford 5/9/22 Report: Justin Castro, Chrystia Freeland, Jill Biden and others flee to Ukraine as KM collapse continues | Prepare For Change

Prepare For Change

By Edward Morgan – May 12, 2022


Khazarian mafia agents Justin Castro, Chrystia Freeland, Jill Biden and others have fled to Ukraine as KM rule collapses, CIA sources say. They have fled to avoid arrest for war crimes as their crimes against humanity become impossible to hide, they say. That is why “actors, actresses, rock stars, comedians and world leaders are visiting Ukraine,” another CIA source notes.

If you still do not believe these people are fleeing to avoid being rounded up, take a look at this Google Earth screenshot of the prison at Guantanamo Bay. That is clearly a facility designed to hold thousands of KM criminals. 

Full report & videos: Benjamin Fulford 5/9/22 Report: Justin Castro, Chrystia Freeland, Jill Biden and others flee to Ukraine as KM collapse continues — Prepare For Change