The Shift of Consciousness is Real | Mónica Esgueva — Voyages of Light – April 12, 2020

(Voyages of Light)

April 10, 2020,

The shift of consciousness was needed & is real

The evolution of consciousness on Earth has been slowed down too much and for far too long by an imbalance of darkness here.

Since I was a child, it mystified me why people could be so cruel with each other. Then, as I grew up, I began to understand that people had been victims of cruelty themselves. That turned to bitterness and rage, and it came out and it was transferred to others around them. It has spread like a disease of fear, infiltrating people’s minds. Deep down the historical and entrenched virus in humans have been the fear of being a victim of other people’s anger and jealousy. →

Read more via The Shift of Consciousness is Real | Mónica Esgueva — Voyages of Light