VIDEO X 2: X22 Report 2668 — Melania Sends Message, The Economic Path Is Beginning To Form || The [DS] Has Been Outmaneuvered, They Are Only Now Figuring It Out

By X22 Report – Published January 4, 2022

Ep. 2668a – Melania Sends Message, The Economic Path Is Beginning To Form

The policies that the [JB/[CB] put into place has now destroyed the job market. More people are quitting because of mandates and other factors. Wages are not keeping up with inflation. It has begun, China has moved forward with the digital yuan. Melania sends a message about Bitcoin.


Ep. 2668b – The [DS] Has Been Outmaneuvered, They Are Only Now Figuring It Out

The [DS] agenda is now coming to an end. The people are no longer believing the pandemic hoax, it is falling apart rapidly. The patriots have outmaneuvered the [DS] and they are only now figuring it out. The pieces are now being put into place. The show is about to start and the [DS] is panicking. [NP] is already signaling that she is now retiring. The entire corrupt system is about to come down around them.


All source links to the report can be found on the site.

CENSORED: $4.5 TRILLION Bank Bailout 4th Quarter 2019 Months Before COVID Exceeded 2008 Bailouts | Health Impact News

by Brian Shilhavy – January 4, 2022
Editor, Health Impact News

Pam and Russ Martens of Wall Street on Parade have reported on the huge bank bailouts during the 4th quarter of 2019, months before COVID was declared to be a “pandemic” giving further evidence from a series of events at the end of 2019 that the “war on the virus” that has enslaved the entire world, was all planned long in advance by the Globalists.

Read more: CENSORED: $4.5 TRILLION Bank Bailout 4th Quarter 2019 Months Before COVID Exceeded 2008 Bailouts — Health Impact News

VIDEO LIVE: mRNA Inventor Dr. Robert Malone Faces Tough Questions, Aussies RISING UP Down Under | Stew Peters Show

By Stew Peters Show  – Published January 4, 2022 

Read more & video(55:58):