World Ignores China’s Massive Organ Harvesting Operation – Mitch Gerber | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

By Greg Hunter’s

November 30, 2021

Investigative journalist Mitch Gerber has dedicated more than two decades to investigating the live organ harvesting operation in China.  It is estimated the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is harvesting up to 100,000 people a year while wide awake on the operating room table.  Gerber explains, “This is forced live organ harvesting while they are awake, while the blood is still flowing, yes.  They know they are having their organs removed while alive.  To your horror, they all know this is going on.  The United Nations knows about it.  All governing bodies know about this:  The European Union, the European Parliament, it is still going on to this day.”

Read more & Join Greg Hunter as goes One-on-One with investigative journalist Mitch Gerber as he details organ harvesting on an industrial scale that the world knows full well about and continues to ignore. (11.30.21)  (There is much more in the 30 min interview.)(30:51): World Ignores China’s Massive Organ Harvesting Operation –Mitch Gerber — Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

BOMBSHELL: Kamala Harris covered up sex abuse crimes of priests, buried records, and took cash from church officials | – Aug 14, 2020

(Natural News) After announcing her as his running mate, Joe Biden gushed about how Kamala Harris is supposedly a “fearless fighter for the little guy, and one of the country’s finest public servants.” But how can this be true when Kamala was a quintessential bad cop during her tenure as San Francisco’s chief prosecutor? Read more via

BOMBSHELL: Kamala Harris covered up sex abuse crimes of priests, buried records, and took cash from church officials —

Vatican completely SILENT on the shocking pedophilia, child rape and child abuse carried out by 300+ Catholic priests and staffers in America – – Aug 18, 2018

Image: Vatican completely SILENT on the shocking pedophilia, child rape and child abuse carried out by 300+ Catholic priests and staffers in America

(Natural News) A prominent member of the Roman Catholic Church has come forward with some scathing words for Pope Francis, the man whom the Jesuits believe is a representative of Christ on earth, and who thus far refuses to address or even acknowledge the recent revelations about rampant pedophilia among priests in the state of Pennsylvania.

John Nolte, who writes for Breitbart, The Daily Wire, and various other news outlets is disgusted that Francis can’t be bothered to take time away from his busy schedule preaching about global warming and climate change to even make mention of the hundreds of Catholic clergy who have now been outed for molesting, raping, and even ritualistically abusing thousands of young boys and girls over the past 70 years.

“Where is the compassionate, accessible Wheelchair Pope, the Energizer Bunny Pope, the Cynicism-Busting Pope who has always been so eager to comment on every hot button issue, from Global Warming to immigration to homosexuality?” asks Nolte in a recent editorial piece for Breitbart.

I know where Francis is not. He is not where he should be, in Pennsylvania overseeing a revolutionary and historic house cleaning of a satanic cancer that infects his Church, a 70-year-old cancer of priests and bishops and cardinals who are guilty of either engaging in an organized cabal to rape little boys and girls, or in covering up those unspeakable crimes.”

Read more & video at: Natural News

VIDEO: Health Ranger demands FBI stop lying to America about the Las Vegas shooting — October 7, 2017

(Natural News) The FBI is clearly lying about the Las Vegas shooting, which is why Americans don’t trust the FBI and increasingly believe the agency is likely involved in a massive criminal cover-up. As The Gateway Pundit is reporting, the FBI is now coaching Mandalay Bay employees to change their stories and lie about what…..Read more & video

via VIDEO: Health Ranger demands FBI stop lying to America about the Las Vegas shooting —