SILENCED: We Live in a Time When Our “Opinions Qualify as Crimes” — Activist Post – June 20, 2020

Activist Post | Op-Ed by Daisy Luther

Currently, we’re living in an upside-down and backward world where the minority of people hold all the microphones, successfully shouting over a potential majority of people who don’t like the way things are going.

I truly believe that most Americans don’t hate their neighbors, don’t indulge in cruelty for the sake of cruelty, don’t indulge in cruel behavior toward those of other races than their own, and just want to live their lives with what happiness they can find. This is not to say that racism does not exist – it does and I’ve seen it in action. It also isn’t to say that there aren’t extremists who wallow in hatred – there are and on all fringes of the political spectrum.

The trouble happens when one of those fringes tries to silence everybody else. And it’s working. →

Read more & video: Fox News: “Tucker: Google tries to censor content it disagrees with” (8:14) via — Activist Post

New York Times Op-Ed Claims That “Free Speech Is Killing Us.” Seriously? — Collective Evolution – October 30, 2019

(Collective-Evolution)  At the end of each opinion piece the New York Times makes the following statement: ‘The Times is committed to publishing a diversity of letters to the editor.’ Essentially, the pretext of this statement is that the New York Times does not censor or reject opinion simply because it is not aligned with the opinions of the editorial staff, and will print what does and does not resonate with the newspaper’s editors in equal measure. In other words, the New York Times purports to be strong advocates and facilitators of free speech and dissenting views. →

Read more & CETV: “New York Times: “Free Speech Is Killing Us.” – REALLY?” (11:14) via — Collective Evolution

Russian Military Colonel Publishes An Article Claiming Human & Animal Telepathy Is 100 Percent Real — Collective Evolution – June 7, 2019


Is telepathy real? It’s hard to argue against it; in fact, I would say that it’s not really up for debate. That being said, when it comes to topics like these, the field is polluted with a bad reputation given its association with magic, superstition and ‘pseudoscience,’ terms that often come from those who condemn the subject without ever really looking into it. The evidence for the existence of telepathy is actually quite overwhelming, and in many cases, much stronger than most other areas of science.

Read more & CETV video: “Trillions Missing From US Black Budget – Secret Space Program?” (10:08) via Russian Military Colonel Publishes An Article Claiming Human & Animal Telepathy Is 100 Percent Real — Collective Evolution