Feelings… — The Creator Writings via Jennifer Farley – November 12, 2019

Most of the time logic takes the front seat.  Logic is safe, sane and it is how your world moves forward most of the time.  Today, you are being invited to follow your feelings.  It may take you down roads you have not been in a while and bring up emotions you disregard but, it will also bring you closer to your heart.  Rather than shying away, bring them in for closer examination.  Then you can decide if it is something you truly want to keep or release.  You always have a choice, my dearest one!  Embrace the change! ~ Creator

SourceThe Creator Writings

Arcturian Collective, Mother God, Sananda via Galaxygirl, June 28th, 2018 — Sananda.website

Arcturian Collective, Mother God, Sananda (6/28/18) | Galaxygirl Arcturian Collective, Mother God, Sananda 6/28/18 Greetings, we are the Arcturian Collective and we are pleased to connect with each one of you today. We wish to simply expand our previous message…Read more

via Arcturian Collective, Mother God, Sananda via Galaxygirl, June 28th, 2018 — Sananda

Becoming – June 25, 2018

One of the most interesting things you will discover during this particular shift is that the perception of yourself is changing.  What you once thought you were is no longer be applicable and you may find yourself adrift in a sea of ‘unfamiliar’.  Do not be dismayed, dear one, for there is new growth and understanding on the horizon.  Remember, keep your eyes on the horizon because there is nothing to be gained by looking behind you.  You are becoming in the best sense of the word.  Embrace the change! ~ Creator

Source: The Creator Writings