MEDICAL MURDER: Hospitals are killing health freedom advocates by denying them life-saving treatments |

Wednesday, September 22, 2021 by: Ethan Huff

(Natural News) Veronica Wolski, a prominent health freedom advocate, was murdered by Catholic AMITA Health Resurrection Medical Center in Chicago after being admitted there recently for an illness.

Instead of giving Wolski ivermectin like she requested, the hospital forced her into its “covid protocols.” After realizing that these protocols would likely kill her, Wolski begged her friends and loved ones to get her out of there but that, too, was denied.

Read more: MEDICAL MURDER: Hospitals are killing health freedom advocates by denying them life-saving treatments —

Esteemed Heart Surgeon Blows the Lid Off the Big Pharma Statin Drug Scam — Waking Times – December 27, 2018

Esteemed Heart Surgeon Blows the Lid Off the Big Pharma Statin Drug Scam

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times A physician’s word is often taken very seriously and with little skepticism. An opinion from one or two doctors, when made in a professional office or hospital, can persuade a worried patient to take drugs with complex side-effects, or even undergo traumatic treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy. Yet, when the…..Read more

via Esteemed Heart Surgeon Blows the Lid Off the Big Pharma Statin Drug Scam — Waking Times