All risk, no benefit? COVID jabs do not prevent severe illness, transmission or deaths | NaturalHealth365

by: Sara Middleton, staff writer | April 25, 2022


(NaturalHealth365)  My, how the “science” (narrative?) has changed.  First, we were told that the novel gene-based tech called mRNA COVID-19 shots – produced at an unprecedented lightning speed, bereft of the bureaucratic red tape that virtually all other drugs navigate to make it to the market – were the only way to end the pandemic.  We were also told the injections were “highly effective” at preventing COVID-19.  Getting vaxxed, we were told, would prevent infection, transmission, and the death of everyone’s grandmas.

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American Heart Association Journal: 97.8% Adolescents and Young Adults with Myocarditis had an mRNA COVID-19 Shot | Health Impact News

by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News The American Heart Association’s journal Circulation has published another abstract of a study with very alarming data on the effects of the COVID-19 experimental shots on heart disease in young people. This follows their study published a few weeks ago by cardiologist Steven R Gundry. See: American Heart Association Journal…

American Heart Association Journal: 97.8% Adolescents and Young Adults with Myocarditis had an mRNA COVID-19 Shot — Health Impact News

American Heart Association Journal Publishes Data that UK Medical Doctor Claims are “Proof” that COVID-19 Vaccines are “Murder” | Health Impact News

by Brian Shilhavy Editor, Health Impact News The American Heart Association Journal, Circulation, has just published an abstract on mRNA COVID-19 shots that UK medical doctor Vernon Coleman has stated: Finally! Medical Proof the Covid Jab is “Murder” Here is the Abstract: Abstract Our group has been using the PLUS Cardiac Test (GD Biosciences, Inc, Irvine,…

American Heart Association Journal Publishes Data that UK Medical Doctor Claims are “Proof” that COVID-19 Vaccines are “Murder” — Health Impact News

Elite Athlete Explains Vaccine Injury and Doctor’s Ignorance | Waking Times

Dr. Mercola, Guest
Waking Times – November 5, 2021

Kyle Warner is 29 years old and was at the peak of his career as a professional mountain bike racer when, in June 2021, he got his second dose of Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot. He suffered a reaction so severe that, as of October, he was still spending days in bed, easily overwhelmed by too much mental or physical exertion.

Read more & video(41:51): “Kyle’s vaccine complication”: Elite Athlete Explains Vaccine Injury and Doctor’s Ignorance — Waking Times

After 300 Million Injections and as Demand Wanes FDA Finally Issues Warning on mRNA COVID-19 Shots for Heart Failure | Health Impact News

by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

After injecting Americans with over 300 million doses of one of the mRNA COVID-19 bioweapon shots since December 13, 2020, the FDA has finally agreed to force Moderna and Pfizer to put warning labels on their shots over a “likely association” between the injections and heart problems, which they claim is “rare.”

The warning comes as the vast majority of Americans who wanted one of the mRNA injections have already been injected, as demand for the shots has decreased to levels seen back in December, just after the shots were given emergency use authorization and were beginning to be rolled out.

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