Detained And Thrown In A Cell — Welcome To Bilderberg 2019! — May 31, 2019

By Press For Truth

The 67th annual Bilderberg conference is underway in Montreux, Switzerland and PFT is on site!

Within hours of landing, Dan was detained and held in a cell along with Luke Rudkowski and two other journalists while the Bilderbergers quietly exited the building unmolested.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth shows what his first two hours looked like when arriving at Bilderberg 2019.

Read more & video: “Detained And Thrown In A Cell – Welcome To Bilderberg 2019!” (10:40) via Detained And Thrown In A Cell — Welcome To Bilderberg 2019! —

The Bilderberg 2017 Agenda: “The Trump Administration – A Progress Report” – June 2, 2017

Every year, the world’s richest and most powerful business executives, bankers, media heads and politicians sit down in some luxurious and heavily guarded venue, and discuss how to shape the world in a way that maximizes profits for all involved, while perpetuating a status quo that has been highly beneficial for a select few, even…

via The Bilderberg 2017 Agenda: “The Trump Administration – A Progress Report” — The Daily Sheeple