Julian Assange Is Very Ill & Nobody Is Talking About It: He’s Now In His Prison’s Health Ward — Collective Evolution – May 30, 2019


What’s happening to Julian Assange is heart-breaking. Wikileaks has been leaking verified information in the form of confidential classified documents for a number of years. These documents have exposed the corruption and deceit that appear to make up the backbone of modern day geopolitics. It’s because of this that Assange has been taken into custody, and not because he has really done anything ‘wrong’ or participated in actions that are a threat to ‘national security.’ Yes, those are the reasons he’s been put in jail, but the real motivations for the powerful elite to have arrested him are very different.

Read more via Julian Assange Is Very Ill & Nobody Is Talking About It: He’s Now In His Prison’s Health Ward — Collective Evolution