Gold as Money is Ancient Wisdom | The Final Wakeup Call – July 29, 2020

A wider banking crisis

Fake Money effect

Wealth moves out of fiat currency into gold

Precious Metals go to stratospheric heights

Wake Up Message


The Final Wake Up CallJuly 29, 2020

No turning around

Real money is based on natural characteristics, such as the fact that it is intrinsically valuable, durable, divisible, uniform, portable, scarce, and broadly accepted; these characteristics are essential for a medium of exchange to become an honest standard of widely accepted payment, which isn’t the case with today’s Central Banks debt-currencies.

Everything costs money – lockdowns, bailouts, and boondoggles, too. – Yahoo! Finance reports that consumer spending is back to where it was before the pandemic: But there’s a big difference. Before the pandemic, consumers were spending money they had earned. In June, they were spending money with a fuse attached. Continue Reading →

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Nederlands: Goud als geld is oeroude wijsheid

Een alles omvattende bankencrisis Fake Geld-effect Rijkdom gaat van fiatgeld naar goud Edelmetalen gaan naar stratosferische hoogten Wakeup bericht     Niet omkeren Echt geld is gebaseerd op natuurlijke kenmerken, zoals het feit dat het intrinsiek waardevol, duurzaam, deelbaar, uniform,…Continue Reading →

Deutsch: Gold als Geld ist alte Weisheit

Eine umfangreiche Bankenkrise Fake Money-Effekt Reichtum geht von Fiat-Geld zu Gold Edelmetalle erreichen stratosphärische Höhen Aufwecknachricht   Keine Rückkehr Echtes Geld basiert auf natürlichen Merkmalen wie der Tatsache, dass es an sich wertvoll, dauerhaft, teilbar, einheitlich, tragbar, knapp und weithin…Continue Reading →