Flynn Warns, CDC Vax Admission, Max Money Printing | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

By Greg Hunter’s (WNW 486 6.25.21)

General Michal Flynn is warning of a Deep State/Democrat attack to take the attention off the coming revelations found in the Maricopa County 2020 Election audit.  Flynn says they are going to continue to attack President Trump.  Right on que, a New York appellate court has suspended Rudy Giuliani from practicing law in New York.  Giuliani was President Trump’s point man on election fraud in 2020.  The court said Giuliani lied about fraud in the 2020 Election, but the court never had a hearing to get Giuliani’s side of the story.

Read more & video(31:16): Flynn Warns, CDC Vax Admission, Max Money Printing — Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog