Police Start Arresting Peaceful Protestors In Ottawa To Shut Down Freedom Convoy | The Pulse


Police have begun blocking entrances and routes to downtown Ottawa, as well as arresting protesters ahead of the long weekend. This comes after the police issued leaflets to truckers warning them they will face criminal charges. This push comes after the Canadian government evoked the Emergency Measures Act for the first time in Canadian history in response to these protests. The government also expanded the definition of “terrorist financing” to shut down any funds meant for the Freedom Convoy, and has also frozen the bank accounts of many who have contributed.

Read more: Police Start Arresting Peaceful Protestors In Ottawa To Shut Down Freedom Convoy — The Pulse

Governments Lifting COVID Mandates Are Not Crediting Protests, But Themselves | The Pulse

The Pulse | By ARJUN WALIA – FEBRUARY 18, 2022

Multiple countries have already or are in the process of lifting all COVID mandates, which include vaccine passports. Here in Canada, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Ontario have announced the end of such mandates, and it looks like Quebec may soon follow. Several European countries have done the same.

Read more: Governments Lifting COVID Mandates Are Not Crediting Protests, But Themselves — The Pulse

Desperate Trudeau Invokes Emergency Powers Act Effectively Declaring Martial Law Against Trucker Protests | Health Impact News

by Brian Shilhavy – February 14, 2022
Editor, Health Impact News

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau followed through with his threat to invoke the “Emergency Act” today as the Canadian Trucker Freedom Convoy protests entered its 3rd week and appears to be gaining wide support, not only in Canada, but around the world.

Read more: Desperate Trudeau Invokes Emergency Powers Act Effectively Declaring Martial Law Against Trucker Protests — Health Impact News

(VIDEOS) The Truckers vs The Canadian Government: Be Prepared for What’s Coming Next | Health Impact News

Comments by Brian Shilhavy – February 7, 2022
Editor, Health Impact News


Toronto Star asks: “Was Ottawa right in declaring a state of emergency due to the protests?

92% of Canadians say NO!

Read more & videos: The Truckers vs The Canadian Government: Be Prepared for What’s Coming Next — Health Impact News

(VIDEOS) FREEDOM CONVOY 2022 | The Marshall Report

The Marshall Report | By Dianne MarshallFebruary 5, 2022

Censored But Not Stopped! Canadian Trucker’s Freedom Convoy 2022 places lawsuit and changes donation site to GiveSendGo!

After raising over $10 million dollars to support the Freedom Convoy, from worldwide donations, the Canadian Government first tried to confiscate the proceeds to use in their own social programs but were met with legal issues involving that type of seizure. GoFundMe withheld the convoy’s funds twice and said it was “collaborating with local law enforcement”, and then permanently shut down the campaign and held onto the millions raised. This led to refunding the monies to those who donated.

Meanwhile, Tamara Lich, who organized the first fund raiser moved the Freedom Convoy 2022 to an alternative crowdfunding site GiveSendGo. The funds from this campaign will be received by Incorporated Freedom 2022 Human Rights And Freedom Association.

Read more & videos: FREEDOM CONVOY 2022 — The Marshall Report

Rebel News Convoy Reports: https://www.rebelnews.com/tags/convoy_reports

GoFundMe Shuts Down Trucker Convoy Funds: Here’s A New Donation Link | The Pulse

Image via Shutterstock

The Pulse | By ARJUN WALIA – FEBRUARY 4, 2022

If you’d like to support the freedom convoy, you can now do so here. Give this link some time as there is obviously a lot of traffic going to the site. If you can’t access it yet, wait a few hours or perhaps until tomorrow and then try again.

The Freedom Convoy protests have raised a historical amount of funds (more than $9 million) to support the truckers who have been travelling from across Canada to peacefully protest in Ottawa. Despite this being an extremely peaceful protest, legacy media and the Canadian government have been spreading misinformation that it’s a violent, racist, extremist, and fringe demonstration.

Read more: GoFundMe Shuts Down Trucker Convoy Funds: Here’s A New Donation Link — The Pulse

VIDEO LIVE: Military Set to CRUSH Truckers, Doctor PHYSICALLY Removing Patients from Killer Hospitals | Stew Peters Show

By Stew Peters Show  – Published February 3, 2022

Read more & video(55:59): https://rumble.com/vtzg8y-live-military-set-to-crush-truckers-doctor-physically-removing-patients-fro.html

Last Living Signer of Canadian Charter Of Rights & Freedoms Sues Government | The Pulse

The Pulse | By ARJUN WALIA – FEBRUARY 3, 2022

The former premier of Newfoundland and Labrador and last living signer of the Canadian Charter of Rights & Freedoms, Brian Peckford, is suing the Canadian government over vaccine mandates for air travel. The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms filed a lawsuit in Federal Court on Jan 26, 2022. Peckford claims that the mandate “effectively bans Canadians who have…

Read more: Last Living Signer of Canadian Charter Of Rights & Freedoms Sues Government — The Pulse

(VIDEOS) Occupy Ottawa Day 5: Canadian Government Feeling the Pressure as Trucker Convoy Gains Momentum | Health Impact News

Erin O’Toole

by Brian Shilhavy -February 2, 2022
Editor, Health Impact News

The Trucker Freedom Convoy in Canada entered its 5th day today, as there appeared to be pressure mounting on politicians to take action as Truckers remained steadfast in their demands.

The big news in Ottawa was that Erin O’Toole, the leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, resigned after 73 of 118 MPs voted to replace him.

Read more & videos: Occupy Ottawa Day 5: Canadian Government Feeling the Pressure as Trucker Convoy Gains Momentum — Health Impact News

Occupy Ottawa Day 2: “We’re Just Getting Started” | Health Impact News

Image source.

by Brian Shilhavy – January 30, 2022
Editor, Health Impact News

The Trucker Freedom Convoy to Ottawa Canada entered its second day today, with no signs that things were slowing down. As I have periodically checked in to live streaming throughout the day, I have heard people on the ground in Ottawa state things like: “They think we’re all going home now, but we’re just getting started!”

There was a stage setup in downtown Ottawa this morning where local pastors and others took turns addressing the crowds.

Read more & video: Occupy Ottawa Day 2: “We’re Just Getting Started” — Health Impact News