Floating Laboratory ‘8th Continent’ Could Be The Answer To The Great Pacific Garbage Patch In The Future | True Activist

Good News Network

by: True ActivistDecember 22, 2021

A giant, floating and self-sustaining research lab measuring around the size of an island could actually be the answer to collecting, cleaning, and recycling all the trash in the ocean. Called the 8th Continent, this A giant, floating and self-sustaining research lab measuring around the size of an island could actually be the answer to collecting, cleaning, and recycling all the trash in the ocean. Called the 8th Continent, this huge structural masterpiece won the 2020 Grand Prix prize for architecture and innovation of the sea, and from the photo alone, it’s easy to see why. Incredibly, the structure was designed to be so large that it will allow the operators to live, eat, work, study and sleep there full-time.

Read more & short video: Floating Laboratory ‘8th Continent’ Could Be The Answer To The Great Pacific Garbage Patch In The Future — True Activist

51 Alternative Uses For Baking Soda That You Never Thought About — Era of Light – Aug 10, 2018

I don’t mean to sound seditious here, but I have a rebellious plan to combat the ills that many corporations are perpetrating in the name of fighting grime and germs. My main gripe is about the environmental pollutants from cleaning and personal care products that we wash down our drains and into our water systems,….Read more

via 51 Alternative Uses For Baking Soda That You Never Thought About — Era of Light

Sanat Kumara: Relax and Let Love Flow — March 17, 2017

Dear all, what great times it is! From our horizons, what’s happening now on Earth is amazingly great! It’s like waves of pure light that pulses over the surface of the Earth and we see you, dear Lightworkers; you glow like shimmering diamonds scattered on the Earth’s surface, it’s wonderful to see, my heart is….Read more

via Sanat Kumara: Relax and Let Love Flow — Era of Light