International Medical Crimes Charge Expected against Bill Gates – May 19, 2020

International Medical Crimes Charge Expected against Bill Gates

Operation Disclosure | By RX Kendrick. Guest Writer

May 19, 2020

“International Medical Crimes Charge” expected against Bill Gates and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation / Italy / Africa / India

“Billionaire Bill Gates commits international medical malpractice crimes by practicing and dispensing medicine without any form of valid legal medical license. Charges are pending against Bill Gates for Crimes Against Humanity in Italy, but his illegal dispensing of medicine without a license is a separate multiple-violation of international law. Not just anyone is allowed to practice international medicine because they are super-rich. →

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Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Is Bill Gates Satan’s Spawn? Or Merely a Geek Gone Mad and Turned Traitor/Murderer? — Public Intelligence Blog – April 9, 2020

 Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

(Public Intelligence Blog)

BLOCKBUSTER: Robert F Kennedy UNLOADS on Bill Gates

by Jim Stone

Robert F. Kennedy’s daughter, who was fighting Bill Gates on vaccine policy, mysteriously ended up dying along with her boy in a “freak canoe accident”. Obviously it’s not hard to get two bodies dead from asphyxiation loaded onto a canoe and then tip the canoe over in deep water, but the BIG mystery is how both bodies sank to the bottom when dead women float breast up. So obviously Robert is pissed, and he is now letting it all out. See these quotes from Robert with regard to Bill Gates: →

Read more via Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Is Bill Gates Satan’s Spawn? Or Merely a Geek Gone Mad and Turned Traitor/Murderer? — Public Intelligence Blog