Lab analysis of children’s face masks finds DANGEROUS disease-causing bacteria, parasites and fungi | NaturalHealth365

by: Edit Lang, staff writer | June 29, 2021


(NaturalHealth365) Do you remember what life used to be like before the pandemic?  The days when all people freely walked around – exercising their God-given rights of breathing in and out without face masks obstructing their airways – seem incredibly far away.  Who would have thought a little over a year ago that the entire world would come to a screeching halt and governments would roll out draconian measures all in the name of “our safety?”

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21 ‘Pathogenic Bacteria’ Detected on Kids’ Face Masks | Wake Up World

June 24th, 2021

By Sayer Ji

Contributing writer for Wake Up World

A group of concerned parents had children’s face masks independently tested after they’d been worn for a typical school day. The startling results reveal a range of bacteria associated with pathogenicity, including 11 strains scientists described as “quite dangerous”.

Read more & video(48:38): “Putting Our Kids First: A Look At COVID-19 School Guidlines And How They’re Affecting Our Children”: 21 ‘Pathogenic Bacteria’ Detected on Kids’ Face Masks — Wake Up World

Colloidal Silver: Clinically Proven Destroyer of Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria — Era of Light -Aug 2, 2018

In recent years the medical community, including mainstream medicine and world health groups, have become increasingly alarmed by the proliferation of multidrug-resistant bacteria and the rising toll of death and illness that we’re now facing — and with very good cause. After all, literally millions of people are dying, worldwide, from bacterial infections. In the….Read more

via Colloidal Silver: Clinically Proven Destroyer of Multidrug-Resistant Bacteria — Era of Light