(Video) 3D to 5D Consciousness — Nyla Nguyen: Protest in Victoria & gov sued, Instagram & FB sued, Free speech on Parler, Religion vs. Galactic – Sept 6, 2020

Source: 3D to 5D Consciousness

Sept 6, 2020

In this broadcast I’m covering the protest happening in Melbourne, Victoria. The Victorian government has been hit with a massive multi-billion dollar lawsuit by local businesses. There are more lawsuit for the Kabals as FB and Instagram have also been hit with multi-billion dollar lawsuit for illegally harvesting biometric data without user consent. I’m examining the new social media platform called Parler and taking a look at the values of the CEO/corporation. Finally, I’m taking a deep dive into religious versus spiritual/Galactic teachings.

Video(1:05:11): https://youtu.be/oFn1X9bxMKw

Free speech on Parler: https://parler.com/auth/access

The Goddess Feminine Warrior Energy Is on the Rise! Watch it Grow Everywhere! – October 24, 2017

From my heart to yours –  Therese Zumi

As a direct result of actresses in Hollywood openly admitting that they were victims of Harvey Weinstein’s sexually abusive behaviours Sweden is now experiencing an avalanche of effects which grows by the hour. Thousands upon thousands of women are telling about their experiences of being sexually abused by men under the # Me Too! Many women are telling of experiences that they have never dared to share with anyone before.

This has so far, within only a few days resulted in 2 journalists being fired. One from a main newspaper and one from Sweden’s main official TV channel. Another well-known and liked TV personality has also been fired from another channel having been exposed as being derogatory to women using sexist comments and unwanted sexual invitations on several occasions. Not only has this person been fired but all his popular TV shows have been shut down immediately and planned recordings of new shows have been cancelled. Everyone is now talking about this and lively discussions are taking place in the media asking men to come forward now and discuss with men of every age how women should be treated starting at a very early age. This last week has focused on these types of male dominance and sexist behaviours in the area of media, TV, newspapers and so forth, this week it would seem that it’s time for this discussion in the sports world. In fact, it seems as if these discussions will now take place in every area of people’s lives. It will! Nothing can stop this now everyone has had ‘enough’…..

Read more at: prepareforchange.net

Credit: goldenageofgaia.com