Central Bank Economy Devastated | The Final Wakeup Call – May 27, 2020

Corona World Order Regime is Fascism

What will the future look like?

An entirely different World

Ushering in the new People Economy

End of Central Bank Economic Cycle

Donald Trump re-elected as the first President of the New US Republic

The Final Wakeup Call

May 27, 2020






Unemployment claims four times higher

All governments in the world except a few have been in a state of bankruptcy to the Rothschild-crime-cabal since the 1930s. These criminals have engineered economic boom and bust cycles for hundreds of years, including the crash of 1929 with the Great Depression of the 1930s, and more recent the 2007/8 crisis. Most economists, who have no idea what is going on, will tell that boom and bust are part of a natural ‘economic cycle’. Which is nonsense; these cycles are systematically planned in advance by special interest groups, like the Rothschilds and their cohorts, who own and control most of all central and big banks.

The economy is devastated right in front of our eyes. Never in history – including the Great Depression – have so many people been unemployed. And the fact that they all became unemployed at once is even worse. As by the end of March, 2020, 7.1 million people had filed for unemployment due to COVID-19. Continue Reading →

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