Doctors Reverse Decades Old Aspirin Recommendation: Deadly Risks Outweigh Benefits for Heart Disease and Stroke — Wake Up World – May 20th, 2019

May 20th, 2019 By Sayer Ji Contributing writer for Wake Up World

Once marketed by Bayer as “The wonder drug that works wonders,” aspirin’s profound toxicity and potentially deadly side effects can no longer be hidden from the public. New cardiovascular disease prevention guidelines submitted jointly by the American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Associated and published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology contradict decades of routine medical advice by explicitly advising against the daily use of low-dose or baby aspirin (75-100 mg) as a preventive health strategy against stroke or heart attack, in most cases:

Read more via Doctors Reverse Decades Old Aspirin Recommendation: Deadly Risks Outweigh Benefits for Heart Disease and Stroke — Wake Up World