I tysthet förgiftas barn av aluminium i vacciner — TV Helse i Sverige – 26 Mars, 2019

DEBATT. Den här artikeln handlar inte om att vara för eller mot vacciner. Jag är ingen anti-vaccinaktivist. Däremot anser jag att allmänheten, framför allt föräldrar, behöver informeras om vad som är viktigt att tänka på innan de vaccinerar sina barn och sig själva.

Läs mera via I tysthet förgiftas barn av aluminium i vacciner — TV Helse i Sverige

Brain Imaging Shows Autistic Brains Contain HIGH Amounts of Aluminum — Collective Evolution (Video) – October 15, 2018

A study published earlier in 2018 should have made headlines everywhere, as it discovered historically high amounts of aluminum in autistic brains. The study was conducted by some of the worlds leading scientists in the field. Five people were used in the study, four males and one female, all between the ages of 14-50. Each of…Read more & video: “CHRIS EXLEY & ALUMINUM TOXICITY ON THE HIGHWIRE”

via Brain Imaging Shows Autistic Brains Contain HIGH Amounts of Aluminum — Collective Evolution

Scientists Discover Huge Amounts of Aluminum In The Brains of Deceased Autistic People — January 16, 2018

Scientists have been aware of aluminum’s neurotoxicity for decades. Although aluminum’s apologists have tried to shroud the metal’s risks in manufactured controversy, a growing number of reports by researchers in the United Kingdom, France, Canada, Israel, the U.S. and elsewhere has furnished substantive evidence linking aluminum to neuropathology, including the epidemics of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Aluminum levels were…Read more & video

via Scientists Discover Huge Amounts of Aluminum In The Brains of Deceased Autistic People — Collective Evolution

“Some of The Highest Values For Brain Aluminum Content Ever Measured” Found In People With Autism — November 29, 2017

Scientists have been aware of aluminum’s neurotoxicity for decades. Although aluminum’s apologists have tried to shroud the metal’s risks in manufactured controversy, a growing number of reports by researchers in the United Kingdom, France, Canada, Israel, the U.S. and elsewhere has furnished substantive evidence linking aluminum to neuropathology, including the epidemics of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Aluminum levels were…Read more

via “Some of The Highest Values For Brain Aluminum Content Ever Measured” Found In People With Autism — Collective Evolution